Chapter 20

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A Few days later

Prince Hugo

It has been a few days since the attack, and strangely enough, we have not captured the main person who is behind us.

We captured some of the men from the bandit's side who were throwing the arrows, but as my father said, they weren't speaking to us or them.

Even worse, it was already the beginning of December, and snow started to fall even harder on the borders of Whelsire.

This meant two things: my brother's wedding would occur any day now, and secondly, the more the snow started to stick, the harder it would be to catch these criminals.

This is because they would use snow as camouflage; we can play their little game, but it means I will have to spend more time here.

If I'm being honest, I was hoping to be back by Wassalia Day. But by how things are going, I see that very unlikely.

Even worse, it's getting harder and harder to keep my promise to Sofia, and I know she's probably wondering what's going on right now.

Slowly, the letters started to decrease. First, it was behind for a few days, maybe one or two. But now it was starting to grow even more.

I don't mean not to send her letters. It's just getting tough to send letters when my guards keep either disappearing or dying.

I was a little disappointed that I couldn't attend my brother's wedding, but he and my father understood.

I had sent them a letter earlier, explaining the situation and that it was more likely. I would have to miss the wedding, even though I wouldn't have wanted to.

I was on top of my horse when all of a sudden, I heard an explosion and raced towards the noise.

I arrived at a small little cottage. It is weird because I have passed by here many times and never have seen it before.

As I got closer, I got off my horse and started to walk a bit towards the cottage when suddenly, I felt someone hit me towards the back.

"You should have never left your castle, Prince Hugo." Said a voice as I fell to the floor.

My eyes felt heavy, and I wanted to close because of my pain, but I wanted to fight. I couldn't just accept her defiance away.

"No, leave him alone!" Exclaimed a voice that sounded so familiar.

Suddenly, I felt that the person who had hit me and was on top of me fell to the side and grunted in pain.

As I got up, someone rushed over and tried to help me stand up. I tried to get up and managed to get on my horse until my eyes were completely shut.

Princess Sofia

"Well, I don't know about you too, but I am very excited for tomorrow's wedding." Said Amber as Vivian and I nodded.

"I am, too; this will be so much fun." Said Vivian as we all giggled.

I was sitting in the gazebo we have outside having tea with Amber and Vivian; her parents came to have a meeting with me.

'Although I wonder what it was for?' I thought

We decided to take it as a chance for us to have tea and catch up. At first, we slightly hesitated because of the snow and cold.

But we thought it would be like a winter wonderland tea party; besides, with our coats and warm tea, it wasn't that cold. For one thing, we were excited about tomorrow's wedding.

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