Chapter 24

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King Garrick

Two weeks later

It had been two weeks since Axel's wedding and the scenario we had with Sofia, I had been visiting her frequently to check up on her, and she's been doing terrific each day.

I will admit it was hard for me to return to my palace after Axel's wedding because I had just realized that my older son was married.

While my youngest son was off at war, I realized I was alone in a big castle again for the first time in years.

I haven't felt like this in years; I have an older brother, a duke in a nearby kingdom. But unlike Axel and Hugo, my brother and I never truly got along growing up.

This is because I was like our father, serious, quiet, and isolated. Honestly, I don't even know what my mother saw in him if he was always quiet.

While my brother was like our mother, outgoing and adventurous, you could say I was a bit more like that now because of Elizabeth and Sofia.

My wife helped me see things from a different perspective and become a better person; she even helped me make the friends I have today.

Although I will admit that after her death, I became isolated and harsh again without realizing it; even worse, I was stern with Hugo.

However, Sofia helped me see everything from a different perspective and get close to Hugo again.

Sometimes I feel like my dear Elizabeth sent her to Hugo and me to help and guide us, and if I'm being honest, every time I spend time with my daughter-in-law, I feel like happiness.

Which is why I didn't tell her about the letter I received a few days from the general about Hugo.

She would have freaked out and worried; she needed to take it easy and rest, not get even more worked up.

The general told me that Hugo had gone out on patrol and didn't return; they had sent some men to find him and had no luck.

I felt like I was having a heart attack; I was worried and wanted to find my son.

However, the next day I received an urgent letter from my son.

He told me what had happened and that he was fine, he was attacked and hurt, but the same girl he and Axel met saved him.

He was back with the general, and she was helping them cure the injured soldiers; in exchange, we helped her find her family.

For one thing, I was thrilled that my son was alive and safe. On the other hand, I was also concerned.

Could it have been the day he was attacked, the same day that Sofia helped pain? I wanted to ask my son, but I knew he would start asking questions, and I didn't want to worry him about Sofia.

I was very grateful for that young girl who helped my son, but I was also very concerned. What was she doing there? It's very strange.

Hugo told me that her name was Victoria. She is a young girl with raven hair and blue eyes, who is the same age as him.

I quickly started sending news about this girl that was found and if anybody was missing a family member, and strangely enough, no one knew anything about her or had even claimed her.

If I'm being honest, I didn't like this one bit. I am grateful she helped my son, but we know nothing about her. How can we trust her?

Luckily, Axel was returning today from his honeymoon, and I would be able to talk with him about this whole scenario.

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