Chapter 25

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Prince Hugo

It had been about two weeks since I was attacked, and I was now back at my station with my soldiers, and just like how Victoria and I agreed, she came with me.

I was surprised she still wanted to come with me; maybe she did want to find her family. I still wasn't sure if I could trust her, but she was proving herself that I could.

As she had told me, she sent a letter to my men to tell them where I was and that I was alive; soon enough, they brought us back to where we were stationed.

It took a while for me to get back on my feet fully, but just as she had promised, I was back on my feet. Although I still couldn't fight, I could at least walk now.

Once I arrived, the general felt relief to find out that I was still alive; he informed me that he had sent an urgent letter to my father about my disappearance.

I was a little upset but understood him; I sent my father a letter explaining what happened and that I was alright.

I also informed him about Victoria and how she saved me, that I made a deal to help her if she helped us cure the wounded men.

Believe it or not, she has been a great help; thanks to her, our men have been recovering soon, and we were able to take out more of our enemy's soldiers.

This is why I hope Father is helping me and sending our word to help her find her family; I don't want to return on my word since she is helping us.

"Prince Hugo, may I have a word?" Asked the general as I nodded.

"It seems we have been making a lot of progress; if everything goes well, we could make it back before Wassalia day." He said as I smiled.

If I was being honest, I was glad to hear that; there was nothing more I wanted to do but to return home as soon as I could.

"That young lady you brought is very good at what she does, she has helped many of our soldiers recover quickly, and they all seem to like her." Said the general as I frowned.

"I'm glad general," I said as he looked at me.

"What was her name again?" He asked as I frowned.

"Victoria, she agreed to help us if we help her find her family," I said as he nodded.

"And if she doesn't find her family?" He asked as I began to wonder what he was thinking.

"I offered her to stay at the palace if no one claims her until she can get on her feet," I said as he frowned.

"Do you think it's wise young Prince? I mean, you have been spending quite a while with her; don't you think this will spark rumors?" He asked as I frowned and thought.

'Have I been spending too much time with her?' I thought to myself.

"I mean, if the rumors would be true, I guess it wouldn't matter, but..." he started, but I cut him off.

"General, I see where you are going with this, and I am going to have to stop you there. The people can think what they want; their rumors are the least of my worries." I said as he shrugged.

"As for the other thing, you know I am engaged and love Sofia." I finished as the general frowned.

"For someone who says to love her, you haven't sent her a letter in weeks." He said as my eyes widened.

'What? Has it really been that long since I last sent her a letter?' I thought as I tried to remember when was the last time I sent her a letter.

Then I remembered it was weeks ago, a few days before I got injured. He's right; how could I forget to send Sofia her letters? She must be worried sick.

Sofia and Hugo: Love TriumphsWhere stories live. Discover now