Chapter 59

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Prince Hugo

Today was the day I would win my princess back, and nothing would stop me.

Last night, the announcer sent me and the rest of the contestants our number by letter, depending on the letter of our name, with instructions on what we should wear.

It was either a whole knight armor suit or a contestant suit with my number on the back of our shirt with a knight's helmet.

I decided to wear the armor suit because they recommended it for the tasks; the number was painted on the front and back of the armor.

I wonder why the whole armor was recommended, but then again, the tasks Sofia included were difficult, so it must be wild to recommend these.

I was with the rest of the contestants, ready for the competition to begin. We were all in our own section of the field. I didn't talk to anyone, nor did they speak to me.

It was to be expected since we were all rivals. I couldn't recognize any of the contestants, nor could they recognize me since our identities were hidden.

However, I didn't know why, but I felt like someone was here, someone I knew would make me fight like hell, Louis.

I didn't know for sure if he would be here, but I had a feeling he was. He's always been in love with Sofia, and I'm positive he's here.

I just had to watch out for the competitors and be careful; I looked around and noticed that there were at least ten of us.

'Were these all the contestants, or was there more to come?' I thought as I looked around.

'There were a lot of contestants indeed, but I had a feeling they had no idea what they were getting themselves into,' I thought as I looked around.

I know Sofia, like the back of my hand, I may know what these trials would be about. I looked up to see my Dad and Axel with Sofia and her family.

'I hope they don't reveal my secret or make it obvious.' I thought as I shook my head and smiled.

I looked at the audience and then saw the one person I knew would be there, King Frederick.

This meant that Louis was here somewhere; if I thought it would be a challenge before, it for sure was now; I had to win no matter what.

'I just wish I knew what his number was?' I thought as I looked over at the contestants.

Soon enough, the trumpets began, and we all lined up in a horizontal line in numerical order to see the royal family and the announcer away from the center.

I looked up to see King Roland and Sofia stand up and walk over to the center; she looked so beautiful.

Axel was right. It had been a long time since I last saw Sofia. This time, she looked different—more fierce but still beautiful, as always.

She looked at us and smiled before looking at her father, King Roland.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen; I'd like to thank you all on behave of my family and me for coming to my daughter's event," he started.

"I'd like to thank all the contestants for signing up and trying out for my daughter's hand," he added as everyone began to clap.

"Contestants, apart from telling you all good luck, I want to congratulate you since you ten were the only ones to pass the requirements from the many others who wanted to participate," said King Roland as my eyes widened.

'There was more? Geez, how many in total signed up?' I thought as I looked over at Sofia and smiled.

I mean, she is very beautiful and outgoing. Who wouldn't want to have her as their wife?

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