Chapter 89

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King Axel

"What do you mean you can't find him?" I asked one of the guards as he shook his head nervously.

Hugo did not attend lunch, and no one seemed to know where he was, and I did not like this one bit.

Since we went to the maid's room to investigate, he's been acting strange; I could sense it. The problem was that he didn't want to tell me what was happening, and I did not like that.

"King Axel, we have a problem," said the royal stabler as he came in rushing as I frowned, confused at him.

"What is it?" I asked him as he tried to catch his breath before speaking.

"The... The queen's horse is missing," he said, afraid as he tried to catch his breath while my eyes widened.

"Son of a...." I started but stopped as I shook my head and looked at James, whose eyes widened as well.

"He went after them, didn't he," said James as I nodded. My brother must have gotten a personal letter from the kidnapper and left unnoticed.

"How the hell did my brother leave unnoticed?" I asked, looking at the guards as they looked nervous.

I was about to yell at someone when I realized it was not their fault; how could they be on top of everything if they were to protect the villagers?

They predicted this correctly; they knew where to target to have the guard down; that way, no one would notice.

"He must have received a letter and gone after them," said James as I nodded.

"My thoughts are exactly right, James," I said as I turned to look at Izzie.

"Izzie, inform my grandparents what happened and get the meeting room ready," I said as she nodded.

"Enchancia will be here soon, and we need to discuss and prepare for what we will do next," I said as James nodded.

"Right away, Axel," she said as she left quickly, running as I turned to look at James.

"I knew he was hiding something. I should have pushed him for more. Maybe if I had, he wouldn't be gone, too," I said as I began to pace.

"Axel, I was the one who suggested him to take a break and go for a walk," said James as he sighed.

"I never should have let him alone; it didn't cross my mind that they would try to contact him," he said as I sighed.

"It's not your fault, James; you know how Hugo is," I said as he nodded.

"He's always breaking the rules, huh?" he asked, smirking slightly, which caused me to chuckle slightly as I nodded.

As the baby of the family, Hugo didn't like to follow the rules and often broke them. Father and I would scold him, but he never listened or cared to follow them unless he wanted to.

"Part of me admires that honestly, he's faced more danger than anyone I know and survived," said James as I nodded.

"I am proud of him too, but I swear he's going to give us a heart attack one day," I said as James chuckled.

"Come on, James, let's head to the bigger meeting room; Amber and Desmond will be here soon," I said as he nodded.

As we walked, I couldn't help but think of how Astrid and my daughters were doing. I haven't seen them in a while, and I miss them.

"James, I am thinking about sending Astrid a letter informing her what happened. Don't you think you should inform Vivian?" I asked as he sighed.

"Honestly, Axel, I don't know; she hasn't been taking it well since she heard about Sofia's kidnapping," he said as I nodded.

Sofia and Hugo: Love TriumphsWhere stories live. Discover now