Chapter 29

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Wassalia Day

King Roland

I was looking at the letter Garrick sent me yesterday; he had finally replied to my suggestion about him spending the holidays with us.

He thanked me, but because his son Axel was now back, he decided to spend the holiday with his son, which was entirely reasonable.

I know for a fact I always love to spend this day with my family; ever since Miranda and I got married, we always spend Wassalia Day together.

Although I will admit that for our first Wassalia day, I was scared that I wouldn't get to spend the day with them because of the weather.

I still remember it well; Baileywick and I went out for last-minute gifts for the children, and the weather turned terrible and brought a strong winter storm.

Luckily we were saved by a man who lived nearby with his family, but I did feel terrible because I thought I wouldn't get to spend the day with them.

But to my surprise, they found Baileywick and me, and we were able to spend our first Wassalia together as a family.

So, I understood Garrick well. However, I did let him know that the invitation would always stand.

I was finishing the last scroll for the day to rest and prepare for the Wassalia party today. For the party, we invited many people from the village along with nearby kingdoms, friends and of course all our staff.

It was our way of welcoming them to our family, for all those who didn't have a place or people to celebrate this special day with.

I heard a knock, and then the door opened to reveal my wife Miranda.

"Roley, dear, are you almost done?" She asked as I nodded.

"Yes, Miranda, I had just finished the last scroll for the day," I said as she smiled.

"Terrific, and the party is ready to begin; the children are so excited." She said, smiling as I frowned at her.

"All three of them?" I asked as she looked down, then back up at me, half smiling.

"Well, you know, she tries her best." She said as I looked out the window. We have noticed that Sofia has been acting a bit strange; she has been rather sad.

She did start to feel better a few days ago, but that was because of the distraction she's been getting, and I was worried about her.

"She's doing better, Roley; she was happier at breakfast today and seemed excited as James and Amber." Said Miranda as I sighed.

"I wish there were something I could do to help her, but even Garrick doesn't know much," I said as Miranda smiled.

"Roley, I know that, and Sofia knows that. There isn't much we can do; all we have to do is wait and have faith." She said as I smiled.

"Where is Sofia?" I asked as she smiled.

"She went out to the stables with Minimus to give him his Wassalia treat," she said as I smiled.

"Always kind to others, isn't she," I said as Miranda nodded.

"Her heart is pure, like all our children's hearts." Said Miranda as I nodded.

As I looked out the window, I could see Sofia strolling along the snow with her animal friends, including Minimus, on a leash.

She seemed to be smiling and laughing, which was good. She seemed happy.

"Miranda, there is something you should know; both Garrick and Amber told me," I said as she frowned.

"What is it, Roley?" She asked.

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