Chapter 40

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Two months Later

Princess Sofia

"I now pronounce you husband and wife; you may kiss the bride," said the priest as the groom smiled at his new wife and began to kiss her.

As the rest of us watched, we stood up and clapped for the newlywed couple. It had been two months since their engagement dinner party, and now they were married.

They got married soon because James was now 20 and Vivian was 19, and since King Marcus wanted James to shadow him, it had to be quick.

This is because as soon as one of the new potential kings or queens turns 21, they must be crowned to be the kingdom's new rulers.

A lot has changed since the dinner party; Vivian asked her father, King Marcus, if he would help with the search for Hugo.

Even though the king was hesitant, he finally agreed, but only for a while- until the wedding.

This is because James was in charge of the investigation, but now that he is married to Vivian, he is to move to Zumaria and take his place as an apprentice before becoming king.

So, now that he has other responsibilities, he must step down from the search to find Hugo, and King Marcus might not want to support that now.

Especially since we have yet to find anything, all we keep finding is just pieces of Hugo's clothing but nothing else and, from the General, nothing.

Now that I think about it, it's pretty odd; why do we find clues for Hugo but not from the General?

I'm starting to wonder if he really is dead; maybe he isn't dead or has disappeared; perhaps he's just hiding.

"Sofia, are you alright?" asked Amber as she napped me from my thoughts.

"Yes, Amber, sorry, I was just thinking," I said as she frowned.

"About what?" she asked as I shrugged. Then, she formed her mouth into an o shape, understanding what I meant.

"Sofia, don't you think..." she started, but I cut her off.

'Here we go again; everyone began to lose hope and believed I should also give up with them.' I thought as I shook my head at Amber.

"Amber, don't," I started, but she cut me off.

"I was going to say, why not leave this for another day? Our brother got married and will be leaving soon," she said as I frowned at her.

"Amber, you know well I can't stop the feeling, but don't worry today, James is a priority," I said as she smiled and nodded.

Amber, Desmond, and I headed to the garden, where the party would take place- and I mean, why wouldn't it?

It was the middle of May, and the sun was shining, bringing warmness to Enchancia, but since it wasn't summer yet, it wasn't too hot.

This is why I decided to wear a purple and white dress with off-the-shoulder straps and a straight, slight cut in the middle; the top and bottom of the dress were covered in purple butterflies.

Only the bottom three inches of the dress were just plain white, I wore purple heels, and my hair was tied in a high ponytail with a silver crown and dangling earrings.

Amber wore a beautiful dark green and gold sweetheart neckline dress with mid-off-the-shoulder sleeves.

She was also wearing green heels and a matching necklace; her earrings were as gold as her tiara, and her hair was tied into a braided bun with green lace.

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