Chapter 50

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A Few days later

King Garrick

It has been a few days since the General appeared, and if I'm being honest, I don't know what to say or how to act, especially with the rumors.

Many started saying that Sofia would soon be replaced as soon as the General was feeling good, while others asked why we found him and not the Prince.

Even worse, people even suggested that we did it, made the Prince disappear, and that he was dead; I don't even know where people are getting these rumors from.

Sofia and Nicolas returned to the battlefield and examined the bottom part where Hugo supposedly disappeared, and they found his coat.

Sofia had informed me they did find the exact location where Hugo's coat was found, but she said there was no way he could have been lying there and no one had seen him.

The place was deep down but clearly visible; she suggested someone might have seen him and collected him. The only problem is who collected Hugo, and where did they take him?

At least this was good news, and if I'm being honest, since Sofia has become the leader, everything has been working fast, and we have been getting better results.

The General has been getting cured of his wounds every day, and every time he has woken, it was only to scream in pain; for most of this whole week, the doctor has had to sedate him.

Which was starting to annoy me. I needed to get answers soon; I needed to know if he was capable of betraying me. Maybe I am being naive to think he couldn't have, but my son's life is at stake here.

This meant that the calm was over; I was done waiting and needed answers now, and I was going to get them one way or another.

I was sitting down eating lunch when I suddenly heard footsteps and turned around to see the doctor approaching me.

"Your majesty," he said as I frowned, looking at him.

"What is it?" I asked as he looked at me, shocked.

"The General, he's.... He's awake and asking for you," said the doctor as I stood up and began to approach him.

'Finally,' I thought as I made my way; I was going to get my answers right now.

"Wait, Your Majesty, wait!" Said the doctor as I stopped and turned around to look at him.

"What is it?" I asked, annoyed.

"He is still a bit weak; he is barely speaking; try not to push too much for the moment," he said as I rolled my eyes.

"Really?" I asked as he nodded.

"I know you want your answers, Your Majesty, but he needs to be alive and healthy to give us the answers we want," said the doctor as I sighed.

He's right; no matter how badly I wanted to talk in there, ask him all the questions, and force the truth out of him, I couldn't, not at this moment anyway.

This could only put him on alert, and since we don't know which side he is on, we can't risk that, especially because my son's life is at stake, even though I have a feeling he's on the enemy's side.

"Alright, doctor, I'll be easy on him; I'll see him just for a few minutes," I said as he nodded.

I returned my pace and headed over to the room the General was staying in; I took a minute to get my feelings under control, took a deep breath, and then walked in.

Once I walked inside, I saw the General, but his eyes were closed. Suddenly, he opened them and began to reach for me.

"Y-your m-ma-majesty," he said as I threw him a small smile and a concerned look.

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