Chapter 51

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A few days later

King Roland

I couldn't believe what was happening; everything in my life was changing so fast that it was hard to keep track.

My son and one of my daughters were already married and soon would be crowned to lead into their new nations, while my other daughter was in the forest trying to find the remains of her fiancé.

I don't want to say it like that out loud because neither Sofia nor Miranda like that; Sofia still believes Hugo is alive, while Miranda doesn't want to make Sofia lose hope.

Though, in my opinion, I think they should start thinking clearly by now; months have passed, and there has been no sign of Hugo anywhere.

The possibility of finding him alive at this point is very low, not to mention the forest is huge in all the nations, and he can be anywhere.

We must also remember the cruel forces of nature. If the forest animals didn't eat him, who's to say he didn't land on a lake or ocean, and those animals ate him?

Maybe I'm being a bit cruel, but at least I'm being more realistic because of the time frame that has happened.

Still, I put myself in Garrick's shoes. If it were my children, I too wouldn't stop until I was for sure convinced that they were dead, but what if this is about accepting?

Sure, they have found many clues and new leads, but in the end, they still don't know who did this, and I don't like my daughter being in danger constantly or having her witness this.

If Sofia were to discover Hugo's body, it would be a terrible shock for her that I am not sure if she could recover from.

But then again, just knowing about his death would be hard enough on her, imagine if she actually finds his body.

"Roley?" Asked Miranda as I watched her walk closer to me. I must have been deep in thought because I didn't hear her knock or enter.

"Are you alright?" She asked as I sighed and shrugged.

"Sure," I said as she frowned.

"You were thinking about the mission again, weren't you?" She asked as I nodded.

"Roley, I know you don't like it either, but this is Sofia's choice," she said as I nodded.

"I know Miranda, but we have to get her back. All this isn't going to do her any good; in fact, I feel it might hurt her even more," I said as Miranda nodded.

"I agree, Roley; this could be difficult, but what can we do?" She asked as I nodded.

"I suppose you're right," I said as she nodded.

"Oh, Roley, Baileywick was just about to bring this to you," she said as I frowned and took the letter.

"Who's it from?" I asked, looking at the envelope.

"Whelsire, apparently, you received it a few days ago but kept leaving it everywhere you went," she said as I examined the envelope closely.

"You're totally correct on that; I wanted to open this envelope for days but could not remember where I placed it or who sent it to me," I said as I tore the envelope and read the letter.

Dear Roland,

I hope you and Miranda are doing well and are receiving a letter from Sofia. She seems to be doing well each day, or so I hear from the guards.

I am writing to you because, as you may know, my General was founded during your daughter's wedding day.

That same day Sofia, Nicolas, Axel, and I left with my daughter-in-law Astrid; once we arrived at my castle, though, it seemed they didn't inform us correctly.

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