Chapter 87

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King Frederick

"You should have let me kill her, Daddy!" Exclaimed Victoria as I shook my head.

We had just returned from the dungeon, and Victoria was unhappy I let Sofia live.

"No, Victoria, I have plans for her," I said as she sighed.

"What plans, Daddy?" She asked me as I smiled.

"It has something to do with your brother," I said as she frowned, confused.

"I hope it's not that stupid idea about making her the queen of Alcazar because I will not support you on that, Daddy," She said, crossing her arms as I sighed.

Sometimes, my daughter was impressive, and other times, a pain in the gut; right now, ironically, she's both.

I was impressed by how she took my wand and efficiently took care of Antoniette like nothing. However, right now, she was a pain in the gut, and I needed her to calm down.

"And what if it is?" I asked her as she rolled her eyes.

"I still say a hard no!" she said, emphasizing the no.

"That is not your decision, Victoria; plus, this is for your brother," I said as she got angry.

"How do you know that is what he wants, Daddy?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"Your brother is in love with her but doesn't say or do anything because she's married to Hugo, and your brother is a gentleman," I said as she rolled her eyes.

"Why does he even love her? Who is she? Sofia is nothing more than a useless peasant girl who should have never been a princess!" she said, angry as I rolled my eyes.

"Victoria, I think if you had met her in other circumstances, you would have liked her," I said as she snorted and laughed.

"Yeah, right. Are you joking, Daddy? Please tell me you're joking?" she asked as I raised my eyebrow.

"Even if she wouldn't have married Hugo, she and I would have never been friends," she said, smiling.

"And why not?" I asked her as she smirked and laughed.

"Daddy, are you really asking? Look at her background; she's not a real princess," She said as I raised my eyebrow.

"Her mother married Roland, which makes her a princess," I said as she shook her head.

"I don't care that she's Roland's stepdaughter; she was born a village girl. She isn't a true princess; she's trash," she said, smiling and crowing her arms as I shook my head.

"Victoria," I started, but she cut me off.

"Daddy, you can't have her as the queen. That would be an embarrassment and abomination," she started, but I cut her off.

"That's enough, Victoria," I said as she shook her head.

"But Daddy!" She started, but I cut her off.

"No buts, Victoria, I don't even know why this is a problem for you if you are going to be with Hugo?" I asked her as she sighed.

"Doesn't mean I don't care about Alcazar, and I think it will be a huge mistake to have her as the queen," She said as I rolled my eyes.

"Victoria, you need to learn self-control," I said sternly as she rolled her eyes and turned away.

"Fine, all I am saying is that no one is going to listen to her; they won't accept her because of her background," She said as I rolled my eyes.

Sofia and Hugo: Love TriumphsWhere stories live. Discover now