Chapter 56

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Two months later

King Frederick

"Great job, son, you are doing excellent," I said to my son as he smiled.

"Thanks, Dad; I hope I trained enough for this challenge," he said as I nodded.

"Don't sweat it, son. We have till the day after tomorrow to train; 2 more days to train. You will be ready to handle any task," I said as he nodded.

"Are you sure about this, though, son?" I said as he nodded.

"Yes, Dad, I love her and would love for her to be my wife more than anything," he said as I nodded.

"Very well, son," I said as he smiled.

"Your majesty, shall we continue?" Asked the trainer as my son nodded.

"Yes, let's continue," he said as they continued their lesson.

For four days, I have been watching my son practice his defense skills for the competition that is to come.

A few days ago, King Roland of Enchancia announced that a competition would be held for his youngest daughter's hand in marriage.

In this competition, the contestants will be given several tasks to complete, and the winner will be granted the princess's hand.

This news was the only thing people had been talking about for the past week.

They announced it precisely five days ago, and the princes only had five days to sign up and practice altogether. This means that tomorrow would be their last chance to sign up for the competition.

As I have predicted, many have already signed up, including my son, to compete for the princess's hand.

As soon as I heard this, I knew my son would want to sign up, and that is precisely what he did.

If I'm being honest, I felt this was a mock competition because they hadn't announced any of the challenges they would be facing.

It was very mysterious; they said it could be any challenge, and they had to be prepared to expect the unexpected.

Many others have rumored that the task would be extremely hard and that the princess herself had chosen the tasks.

I hope that is true about her choosing the tasks because if it is, my son can clearly beat any challenge she puts in.

However, I thought it would have been Roland choosing the tasks, not her.

'What are you up to, Roland?' I thought deeply until my son's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Dad, are you alright?" Said my son as I looked at him and nodded.

"Shouldn't you be practicing, son? We need to be prepared for anything," I asked as he nodded.

"We decided to call it a day and practice some more tomorrow. Besides, as you said, I still have two more days to train before the competition," he said as I nodded.

It was a bit difficult to train my son when we knew nothing about the tasks, so preparing him for something we did not know was challenging.

"Have you heard anything about my sister?" He said as I shook my head as he looked a bit disappointed.

The last time I heard from my daughter, everything was going fine. I tried contacting her, but I had no luck, and that was starting to worry me.

I hope things weren't taking a wrong turn for her because if they were, I would have to interfere, and I know she wouldn't want that.

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