Chapter 37

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Princess Vivian

I couldn't believe today was the day my family and I would have dinner with James and his family.

Even so, I'm nervous about the proposal; James hasn't proposed yet, which meant he was proposing today.

This meant not only was I getting a marriage proposal, but I was also getting a dinner celebration.

'Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, this is so nerve-wracking that I don't even know how to act,' I thought as I heard someone knocking on my door.

"Come in," I said as the door opened to reveal my mother.

"Mother, how can I help you?" I asked as she smiled.

"Vivian, darling, you should get ready; they will be here soon," she said as I smiled nervously.

Originally, we were going to have the dinner celebration at Enchancia, but my Mom and Queen Miranda decided to change the location of the dinner party.

I was skeptical about it, but they both agreed that since James was going to become king of Zumaria, he should start getting to know the kingdom.

I agree because there are so many beautiful things about this kingdom; besides, it would be a nice distraction for Sofia.

Zumaria was a wonderful kingdom full of trees and life. You could think of it as a garden, the kingdom of gardens.

"Vivian, did you hear me?" Said Mom as I looked at her and nodded.

"Yes, Mother," I said as she smiled.

"Would you like some help, dear?" She asked as I shook my head.

"No, thank you, Mother, I can manage," I said as she nodded.

"I'll be waiting for you downstairs," she said as I nodded and went into my closet to look for a dress. My maids, Emily and Rosella, came in as I walked out of my closet.

"Don't worry, princess, we'll have you ready for your day," they said as one of them went to the bathroom to prepare the tub while another went to fetch me a dress.

"Oh, you don't have to; I can find my own dress," I said as Emily shook her head.

"Don't be silly, princess; today is your lucky day, and we will do everything for you. Just sit back and relax," she said as I got a bit worried.

"But I..." I started but was interrupted by Rosella.

"Bath is ready, all filled with bubbles, minerals, and salts to help you relax," said Rosella as she walked me towards the bathroom.

They quickly helped me get in the tub, where they did my hair, nails, and toes. If there is one thing I hate, it is having people all over my personal space.

Before I met Sofia, I was very introverted and hated having people in my business; I made myself small to avoid being noticed.

My parents were the only people I spoke to since my staff knew I didn't talk much. But after I met Sofia, all that changed; I became a better person; I spoke up and had more fun.

However, there were times when I wished It was a bit like the old days when my staff would leave me alone to do my things.

After I had finished the bath, they helped me change into this beautiful off-the-shoulder light blue and white dress with long sleeves.

Spring was here, and the snow was gone, but the dress was made of silk, which meant it was refreshing; I wore white heels and gloves.

I usually don't wear gloves, but the dress can be worn with them, so I had to wear them along with the jewelry designed for it.

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