Chapter 88

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A Few days later

Queen Sofia

It had been a few days since my father-in-law and I had been kidnapped, I think. If I am being honest, I have lost track of time, and I can't seem to tell when the day begins and ends.

I presume we have been in what I think are the dungeon cells for hours and have rarely been visited by Frederick and Victoria, for which I am grateful.

My father-in-law and I think they still haven't figured out I am pregnant, and we want to keep it this way to protect my baby.

I try to stop myself from touching my stomach when the enemies are nearby.

I can't trust any of these, and I don't want them to give ideas to Frederick and have him confirm my pregnancy.

Calculating how far along I am was a bit of a struggle, but I have concluded that I may be three and a half months pregnant.

The reason for this was that my last menstrual cycle was months ago, and I was even surprised that I didn't notice.

Apart from this, the signs were starting to show, but I didn't pay attention at first, and then I tried to lie to myself because of the situation.

I am almost at the end of the first trimester and do not like it. This is because I don't know how long it would take for us to be found.

What if my baby starts showing, and they figure out I am pregnant and try to harm my baby?

Even worse, I haven't eaten for a couple of days, which is neither good for me nor the baby.

I am hesitating because I don't know if they are trying to poison me, but I need to eat something. My baby is begging for food, and I feel myself growing weaker each time.

My father-in-law tried to help me by testing the food they brought us before I did, but we realized they could have easily poisoned mine and not his.

What's even worse is that my nausea has finally started; up until now, I didn't have any nausea. I have been trying my best not to throw up.

Sometimes, it works, and other times, I am not so lucky; the guards have yet to pay much attention because they think it's the lack of food.

The good thing is that I have a bucket when I need to urinate, but it has become my throwing-up bucket for the moment.

Plus, I barely slept; it was hard since there was a specific time of the day when it was freezing, and I believe that was during nighttime.

Someone tried helping us by giving my father-in-law and me a blanket, but it didn't end well for him.

He was killed instantly by the man who kidnapped us; he was the one who came in and monitored us for a while.

Occasionally, he even bought us our food and teased us for a bit, but I ignored him.

It was usually just my father-in-law and me in the cells alone, although it was hell when Frederick visited.

He didn't do or try to do anything to me; however, my father-in-law wasn't so lucky.

He would torture him in front of me by casting torture spells on him or not even bringing him food at all.

I had to beg him to stop touring him, which amused him; even though my father-in-law told me not to do it, I didn't listen.

I couldn't stay back and watch him torture my father-in-law; when he wasn't being cast with spells, he was being starved or wounded.

I could see him losing his strength and wanting to give up, but I tried to motivate him to keep fighting.

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