Chapter 55

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King Garrick

Today was the day I was supposed to have a memorial for my son; I couldn't help but bring myself to this reality.

If I'd listened to Sofia, I wouldn't be in this mess right now, but I wanted to believe my son was still alive.

I had faith and wanted to believe we could find him, yet we found nothing; my son was declared dead a few days ago.

If only I had given up a few months ago when Sofia did, I probably wouldn't be feeling this lost and vulnerable, but I wanted to believe he was still alive.

If I'm being honest, this was my biggest mistake as a father; I never should have given in to my emotions.

I feel like a failure who made many mistakes. I moved Sofia and changed it to the General, hoping he would slip and I could find my son, but nothing.

The General declared him dead a few days ago before Wassalia Day, and if I'm being honest, I think it's because he didn't want to continue the investigation.

He's also been acting strange since he became the leader; Nicolas has told me so.

He declared him dead when they arrived at the same place where they found the ring; they stayed there for a while to investigate, and yet they found nothing.

It was then that, based on the evidence and the time frame in which the search had been going, the General concluded that Hugo would not have survived if it hadn't been for someone's help.

Nicolas and I have tried to ask him about the supposed girl, Victoria, who was with them and helped cure the wounded soldiers.

He denied me everything from the beginning until I showed him the letters Hugo sent me, which obviously concerned me.

This is because he denied this to me but not to Nicolas; it was almost as if he didn't want me to learn anything about this girl.

But why? Why did he not want me to know about this girl? Was there something he was hiding from us?

Besides knowing where my son was, did he know something about the girl we didn't know?

From the beginning, Axel has always told me that he didn't trust her and that something was fishy about her.

I didn't want to believe him, but for the General to not want to tell me about her and even claim that she didn't exist was all very intriguing.

What's more interesting is that he had no trouble confirming it to Nicolas; he told me himself that when he asked about her, he quickly confirmed she existed.

I'm starting to wonder if she was the one who might be holding my son captive.

It would explain why she was staring at Hugo when she met him and Axel. She is probably obsessed with him; why else would she look for him during the war session?

It would also explain why we can't seem to find his body; I refuse to believe the wildlife animals ate it.

It sounds unethical, and there has to be an explanation for all this, but in the end, we always come to a blank session.

I don't know what to believe anymore. The General has declared my son dead, and we are to hold a memorial for him, but something tells me he's alive.

I know it, but I don't have proof that the General is lying to me; I must let things take their course and then see what the General is up to.

"Your majesty, Princess Sofia is here," said Isaac as I approached the throne room to meet her.

It had been months since I last saw her, and honestly, I couldn't face her after what I did, but I felt like I had to tell her everything after today.

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