Chapter 22

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Princess Sofia

As we arrived at Freezenberg, we saw mountains covered in snow and beautiful blue flowers; when we landed and the door opened, we were welcomed by King Henrik.

"Welcome, friends; please let me show you to the reception." He said as we followed.

"Thank you for inviting us, Henrik." Said Dad as he smiled.

"Thank you for being here on my daughter's biggest day." He said, smiling as we followed him.

As King Henrik led us to the reception, we could see many of the servants running around and getting the last-minute preparations; I wondered if the ceremony was about to start.

We arrived at what looked like a garden house made entirely of glass; we could see the beautiful snow outside and the altar decorations.

Many people were sitting there while others were standing and chatting; there were so many familiar faces since most kingdoms were invited.

"Are we late?" asked Mom as King Henrik shook his head.

"Not at all; we're still waiting for the bride to be ready and the pastor." Said Hildegard showing up.

She was wearing a beautiful dark blue strapless dress with a light blue sash of the waist and a flower to match, her hair was in curls, and she was wearing a gold tiara.

"Hildy, you look amazing." Said Amber as she smiled.

"Thank you, you guys do as well." She said, smiling.

"Do we sit anywhere? Or do we have assigned seats?" asked James.

"Usually, the guest chooses, but since Sofia is Hugo's betrothed, we have seated you guys with his family." Said, Hildegard.

"Terrific!" exclaimed Dad as they went to find Garrick to sit beside him.

"What is this place, Hildy?" asked Amber as she smiled.

"It's our garden house; we had it be made entirely out of glass to get sunlight and connect it with the snow." Said Hildegard as we nodded.

"Sofia, are you alright? You are very quiet?" she said as I smiled.

"Yes, I am fine. I am going to go find Dad and my seat." I said as I walked away from her and Amber.

I didn't really like Hildegard too much because sometimes she can be a bit mean, and I have enough problems of my own right now.

While searching for my family, I saw two familiar faces and went towards them, smiling.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite new sister-to-be." Said Axel smirking as I giggled while my father-in-law shook his head.

"Hi Axel, how are you?" I asked as he smiled.

"Nervous but happy." He said as my father-in-law smiled.

"I told him it's normal. How are you, Sofia?" asked my father-in-law as I smiled.

"I'm alright, Dad, a bit worried but alright. Have you heard anything from him?" I asked as they shook their heads.

"Not really, we just received one letter." Said, my father-in-law.

"We thought maybe you would have news since we know he sends you letters." Said Axel smirking as I slightly blushed.

"He doesn't like to tell me much about war, but he tells me everything is going well and that he is safe," I said as they smiled.

"That's good news then." Said Axel as I shrugged.

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