Chapter 76

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A few days later

King Frederick

I was in my office looking at some papers about Alcazar, and I couldn't believe it; our shipments and trade system were falling.

If we don't do anything quickly, I'm afraid there will no longer be a kingdom called Alcazar.

Though, I was more concerned with my family and keeping my high-rank position as king.

I didn't really care much about the village folk; by this time, most of them had already closed their business and moved away.

While many others were starting to die of starvation, the last time I went down to the village, it was a disaster.

Spoiled food and trash were everywhere, along with many closed businesses with wood and nails at their doors and windows.

The good thing was that my son had been distracted for a while and hadn't visited the village.

If he had, I would never have heard the end of it, and he would have tried to do everything he could to rebuild the village.

Apparently, my son has yet to figure out that being king is about having the power to protect yourself, not about protecting others.

I needed to find a solution pronto or would be in huge trouble; the issue was that we needed more trade requests and shipments to supply the kingdom.

I have been trying to send requests to other kingdoms who might help us, but I have not heard back from many of them.

The problem is they don't know us, which can create a problem because they need to figure out if we can hold our end of the deal.

I understand that they want to protect their cargo, but I'm not about to let my family starve because of them.

The other issue is that I chose these kingdoms because, like Whelsire, they are big and don't need help from other kingdoms.

In fact, other kingdoms need them, which is why it's perfect. I don't want a kingdom that is close to the family of Whelsire.

"Y-your majesty," said a familiar voice as I turned around to see Alestine as I smiled.

"Alestine, how are you?" I asked him, festering to come in.

It's been a while since I've seen him, ever since the General I downgraded his job to be the mail carrier, which meant he was to inform me of any mail I received.

I knew he didn't like it, but he was getting on my nerves, and I needed to switch some things up.

I almost placed him as my children's mail carrier as well, but I didn't want him to interfere with their lives, so I decided not to.

"What did you bring for me today, Alestine?" I asked him as I looked at my budget papers.

"You have a letter from King Axel of Freezenberg and King Desmond of Enchancia," he said as I looked up at him, surprised.

"What?" I said as my eyes widened when he handed me the letters.

'That's odd; why would I receive mail from them?' I thought as I took the letters.

"You are excused," I said as Alestine nodded and left.

I looked at the letters and couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Why would both of them send me letters?

I read the letter from Freezenberg; first, I wondered what they could possibly want since they cut off our shipment and trade treaty a while ago.

Dear King Frederick,

Sofia and Hugo: Love TriumphsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon