Chapter 58

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Princess Victoria

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"Ugh!! What does she have that I don't?!" I exclaimed as I threw some of my pillows to the floor and paced back and forth to my room.

I couldn't believe it. Hugo was still going after this stupid princess after everything that's happened.

'Why does he still love her and not me?!' I thought as I groaned, upset, stomping onto the floor.

Anyone who saw me in my father's kingdom would say I was acting less like a princess and more like a spoiled brat.

But at this point, I didn't care. I wanted Hugo to be mine, but nope, nothing and all because of that stupid princess Sofia.

I was sure I could have gotten his heart to respond to mine; after all, we spent two years together.

"How did nothing happen?" I said as I began to pace back and forth.

It didn't make sense; people who spend lots of time together end up falling in love, so why wasn't this the occasion?

I have done nothing but cure and protect Hugo all this time, and he still doesn't see me.

"What else do I have to do for him to be able to see me?" I said as I dropped down to my knees.

If it weren't for the kiss I gave him, we'd be far away from here and all of this, and I would have the fear of losing Hugo tomorrow.

But no, I just had to kiss him even though I knew I wasn't entirely in his heart yet.

"I'm so stupid, so stupid!" I said to myself as I grabbed my hair, frustrated.

But then again, what were the chances of him gaining his memory back when I kissed him? They were very slim, now that I think about it.

'So why did it happen?' I thought as I stood up and began to pace back and forth.

This doesn't make any sense. True love supposedly sets one free, but Hugo doesn't love me, right?

'So then why did it work? Unless... he does love me,' I thought as I smiled for a second and then stopped.

'Wait, if he did love me, then why was he still going after Princess Sofia and speaking about her with so much love?' I thought as I shook my head.

No, no, it wasn't that he was in love with me; I think there's something Hugo didn't tell me that helped him gain his memory.

'I wonder?' I thought as I grabbed one of my spell books; I opened it and began reading it until....

"Ah ha! I found it," I said as I looked at the page.

It says here sometimes people with memory loss get dreams filled with memories that usually help them remember.

That must have been it; I think a memory of her popped in because he loves her, and when I kissed him, it released her memories.

No doubt the memory of when they kissed must have happened as well.

"Ugh! Why is it always her?" I said as I threw the book on my bed.

"Miss Victoria, I have brought you your lunch," said one of the maids walking in as I looked at her, upset.

"Take it away. I don't want it," I said, looking away from her.

"But miss Victoria, you must eat or you'll...." She started, but I cut her off.

"Don't you understand?! I said I don't want it. Take it away and leave me alone!" I said as I heard the door open and then a familiar voice.

Sofia and Hugo: Love TriumphsWhere stories live. Discover now