ninety eight;

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     Seonghwa returned and her anxiety increased, thoughts still racing. He was on her in seconds, lips capturing hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck while his hands slid around her waist.
The vampire was so captivated by her, he completely forgot why he had left. He pulled away and their eyes met. "I need to hear you say yes." His ears were filled with the rapid beating in her chest, it was loud and nerve wracking for the both of them. "Marry me, Eunha."
"You're fucking crazy.." She shook off her stress. "Yes, I will marry you."
The smile on his face was one of pure happiness, something she hadn't seen from him yet. Seonghwa pulled out a wooden box. "I would be lying if I said I wasn't eyeing it while you were shopping."
"So you planned this?" She giggled at him, her heart swelling in her chest. It spread a warm feeling all over her, it was comforting.
Seonghwa opened the box and exposed the most beautiful ring she had ever laid eyes on. "I've known I wanted to marry you for a while now if that's what you're asking."
The band itself was silver with diamonds on the side. The main gem was opal with green slivers colored into it, the gem itself was shaped in the form of an upside down kite. He slipped it on her left hand, pulling his out and she opened it to put it on him. "You didn't get an engraving?"
"I want you to choose it." She put it on his finger, their hands intertwining. She nodded at his request before kissing him again.
Seonghwa pushed her back against a tree, hands getting rougher. "I'm supposed to be letting you heal.."
"You can't spring a thing like marriage on me but not expect me to react." She pulled him back into the kiss but he growled and went for her neck, kissing and nipping skin.
"Okay, then give me one good reason why I shouldn't drag you into the forest.." He didn't finish his sentence, he didn't have to because she already knew what he was implying.
"My bed.."
Seonghwa straightened himself before he picked her up, putting her on the horse. "Okay, let's go break the news to everyone else."

The vampire's sat around the commons room, waiting for the wolf to return with news on their hybrid leader. They also waited for Seonghwa to return with Eunha. San was sitting on the sofa, stuck in his own mind. Yunho lounged out his long legs across one of the other couches, Mingi sat at the end messing with his fingernails.
     Wooyoung pestered Yeosang about his books, who in turn ignored the younger. Wooyoung gave him a glare before moving on to the next victim, Jongho. "I'm not like Yeosang, I'll hurt you."
The shorter vampire wiggled his eyebrows, a smile growing on his face. "What if I want you to hurt me?"
"I'm surprised you were able to top Eunha." San's voice rang in the room.
"I can top whoever I want, Sannie." The nickname cut deep and he stood up, walking towards Wooyoung.
"Can you? Woo? Can you top me?" The younger vampire was sitting beside the youngest, prepared for his tickle attack. But he was stopped by the searing presence of San.
Wooyoung stared up at San's face. "I said whoever I want, I don't want to top you." San stepped away and back to his seat, breaking their eye contact.
"That's what I thought."
The conversation was long forgotten when Seoho walked in moments later, the others immediately looking at him. "Well?"
"He tried to eat me." The wolf walked the rest of the way in, grabbing a lone seat near the vampires.
Mingi stared at him. "He tried to eat you?"
"Heats in full swing, and anyone that isn't her he will try to eat, maim, or kill." The wolf looked up and they were all staring at him, worry across their faces. "They will both be fine, if that's what you're wondering."
"You're the expert on all this," Yeosang threw the book the the side, hitting Wooyoung in the back. "What do we need to expect?"
"Well, Eunha will get really hormonal, probably jump all of you when you're not looking." San had a smirk crawl on his face and Yeosang noticed it from across the room.
"What the fuck are you smiling at? This is serious, San." The blonde vampires made eye contact and San kept the smirk.
"There's two people in this room that she hasn't been with yet." Seoho watched the two vampires glare at each other, placing his face in his hands before letting out a loud sigh.
"Yeosang and the wolf?" Wooyoung spoke up, making Seoho snap his attention.
"You're not dragging me into this. I'm just here to help."
"Would you help Eunha if she asked you?" Seoho gave the blonde vampire a harsh look.
Yeosang stood up. "San!"
"Not in the way you're getting at. She's your mate, not mine. That's your job." The wolf stood up, flustered by his question.
"But you said we needed to keep our dicks out of her?" The youngest vampire spoke up this time, a laugh coming from Mingi.
"Are you going to deny the lady what she wants? Besides, that happened days ago."
As if on cue, Seonghwa entered the room with Eunha at his side. "I have to tell you something- what is going on in here?"
"Where the fuck have you two been?" Yeosang was already livid at San, on top of that he was worried about her whereabouts since it was dark and they left well into the morning.
Yunho stared at Yeosang with wide eyes.
Rarely does the smaller, content vampire ever get enraged or even upset about something. He always had a handle on his emotions, but maybe he bottled something up and it's getting ready to come out.
"We can explain," Eunha replied, now clutching Seonghwa's arm.
The diamond shined in the light and caught the blondes attention, as well as everyone else's in the room. "We got ma-"
"Is that a ring?" Wooyoung blurred out, clamping his mouth shut.
"We got married."
Yeosang felt every bit of his heart shatter, unwillingly reliving his worst nightmare. He was gone in a flash, leaving everyone else gawking.
"Seonghwa, what the fuck? We thought you were taking her to the village?" Yunho was red in the face, he tried to keep his cool but it was slowly diminishing.
"We did go to the village. It was just spur of the moment." Eunha smiled at the thought, the adrenaline still rushing in her veins.
"Eunha, I think you're being irrational-" Seoho tried to speak but she cut him off.
"This isn't something my hormones drove me to do. I said yes because I want to marry all of them," She stared at the vampires. "I'm sorry you're mad Seonghwa asked first."
The last jab was towards all of them but it was mainly to the wolf, who didn't like the vampire as much as Seonghwa didn't like him. Seoho looked down, realizing she was right.
"Now if you'll excuse us, we have a marriage to consummate."

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