Magic Eating Aliens

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Skià pov

I keep a close eye on her for the rest of the trip but she doesn't do anything so I figure it must be fine. Although the teacher is acting a bit strange. I decide to follow Benny as the ring seems important. I sit there and talk to him as he runs tests as the results are quite interesting. Halfway through the teacher comes in and demands the 'energy source' which reads very weird to me, so I grab my wrist that has the knife I made.

"What you mean this?" He picks up the ring and shows it to her. He gets very strange readings on his computer, so he turns around to look at it.

"I am your superior. You will give it to me halfling."


"He is not going to give you anything." I transform my bracelet into its knife form and block Benny. "Now why don't you tell me how you are controlling this teacher?"

"Ah, a smart human larva."

"What is going on?"

"Aliens." I say bluntly before returning all my attention to the teacher. 

"Aliens! But aliens aren't real?!"

"They are, now take the ring and run, I will be right behind you." He looks at me before taking off running down the hallway. I use the shadows to find the object controlling her before stabbing it and following Benny.

We ended up in the gym and Tom met up with us. I can hear that they repaired it, and she is headed towards us. I cut my finger and start drawing on the floor. I draw a sigil of protection before healing my finger and sitting inside. "What are you doing?"

"Does it really matter, get inside." They follow my command and come inside with me. I use gentle wind magic to dry it before putting my hands on it and waiting. Soon the teacher comes in and the machine on her back is showing. "So, what are you and why are you here?"

"We are the Necrose, and we wish to feed on the magic in this world."

"Lovely." She aims the lasers that are on the machine at us so I say the words needed and activate the sigil before standing up and getting prepared for if I need to attack. "So, it is safe to assume that magic will be useless against them."

"Magic is real too?!" 

"Yes, keep up, we have bigger problems." She continues to bombard the shield as I think about our next course of action. "Why have you only been going after sun mages?"

"What do you mean?"

"Multiple people have gone missing but they were all sun mages opposed to many of the other types of wizards, warlocks, druids, witches and mages."

"We have only detected one type of magic that is edible on this planet."

"Good to know." It destroys itself for some reason, so we take this time to run. We run straight into one of the aliens. I think that I have seen them before in the doctor's book of creatures that he has run into before on his travels. I think back and get the information I require. The are a world destroying species that feeds only off of magic making them immune to any type of magic that they can feed on. Their king is a glutton and their home world and people there are dying from lack of food.  My brother's friend shows up to protect her grandson but can't do much before they beam us up to their ship.

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