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River being River doesn't let him actually push her out the door and returns to the rest of her group. I take this moment to take a closer look at each of them. Unfortunately all of them, including River, are marked with death. I frown slightly when I see how dark the mark on River is as it is enviable that she will die here and there is nothing that I can do. I quickly school my expression as she has told me before that she does not wish to know when she will die.

They seem a little concerned about the doctors warnings but it was too late anyway as the way they came is covered in the tainted darkness. It turns out that one of the people in the group River brought is the descendant of the creator of the library so we can't really kick them out because we have no legal power here.

The man who is family to the creator tries to get us to sign a legal form. The doctor and Donna both tear theirs up and I just throw mine into the shadows. The doctor has them seal the door before looking for another way out.

The doctor and River start to throw out commands to secure the area. I chuckle at the doctor's confusion at being called pretty boy by River before getting down to my own business. I adjust a barrier spell to keep out everything, except for the souls linked, out and link the souls of the people here. I finish drawing out the runes in my blood and quickly seal the barrier.

All of the sudden a sound fills the area. Both the doctor and Donna agree that it sounds like a phone where I am more worried about where it is coming from. It stops but the doctor tries to get a proper connection. When it links up and a girl starts to show up on the screen but she doesn't really make sense. The girl soon stops coming in and the doctor tries to get back to the communication but it is denied by CAL.

Things start to fly off the shelves and I can feel that it is not the things in the shadows or any sort of spirit so it must be mechanical. It seems that the machines in this library are somewhat conscious. This may be a problem.

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