Break in

45 5 1

Skià pov

I am visiting my uncles and my birthday is today. I wake up to at the hotel room door. I open it to reveal someone who is clearly a wizard. My guess is Hogwarts because they have a tendency to send people to the location of people they believe to be born to non magical people. I open the door a little more and slip out of the room before closing the door behind me.

I walk past the wizard and get my letters from the owls around the area. I got four, one from Gringots and three from other schools. "So what do you want?"

"Um. I am here to formally invite a Alex Winchester to attend Hogwarts a school of witchcraft and wizardry."

"Well I am not going and I recommend you do a little bit more research before you come to new wizards. My uncles in there are hunters do you know what that means?" He shakes his head. "It means that they hunt creatures that bring harm to humans. Most of the magic people they have met are the false demon witches so in all likelihood they would feel you were a threat."

"Humans really have people like that?"

"Protectors?" He nods. "Yes, there are quite a few hunters as well so learn to be a little more wary." The man nods and bids his goodbye. After handing me my letter he leaves so I head back in and write responses to each of the schools.

I give the finished letters to each of the owls and then Néphos, my hell hound familiar, take the last letter to Hogwarts. I then open my letter from Gringots. It just says that my inheritance test that I asked for has been filed into my things so I can come at any time now. I guess I took to long for them to keep it in their desk.

I am gathering up the letters when Dean walks up behind me. "Hogwarts, a school of witchcraft and wizardry?" He says with an eyebrow up.

"I already told you that there are other types of magic users." I say as I take out my lighter and set them a flame. I throw the burning letters into the metal trashcan by the desk and soon it fizzles out leaving ashes in it's place. "Now it doesn't matter because I am not going to the school anyway." He huffs. I think he wanted to use it to learn a little bit more about me.

I get a message from agent Gallow saying I have to be there so I quickly gather my things and leave as what they are hunting at the moment is not particularly complicated. It is just a simple ghost.

I stop by my house first to get a few things I didn't have on me and to change my clothes and appearance but quickly head to the garage where the others are waiting for the debrief. We are to break into fort Knox to test their security measures. The thing is in order to keep this as proper data no one can know we are doing this. So we will be facing the technological and the physical security measures.

Also the mission is off the books so if we get caught they will not be backing us up. We will be on our own and in big trouble. I figure that if all else fails I can pull the shield card and get out of it as Fury will always back me up. I can probably get the others out as well using that excuse.

The team says that they will not do it and I am about to volunteer for myself but Gallows new trainee convinces them by saying they probably could not do it anyway. After he uses their egos against them Walter agrees and starts looking at the files.

"How are we going to get on the base?" Walter asks. The others in the room look at each other clearly not thinking of anything.

"What about if we ask for help from shield?" I propose.

"How do you know about shield?" The man from the government asks.

"They have worked with us before."

"That might be possible but what do we ask?"

"Say that they are needed for a ghost mission and tell them to bring four trainee badges. If the break in doesn't go as planned us being trainees will lay the blame almost entirely on us." A ghost mission is a mission that is for my team but others who know about shield think that it is just for under cover missions. The man nods and call sheild.

I can hear him talking to Culson. He agrees to the mission and hangs up. I know that it went through because a few minutes later I get a notice of it. I text back that I was the one who requested the help and I will not be ghost on the mission. They send back a message of understanding. The man says that they will be here in an hour so that is how long we have to get ready.

The moment that they arrive they hand us uniforms, we change and then we leave. We get into a shield issued van and head to the base. When we arrive Nat tells them that we are here for an observation drill. SHIELD must have said we were coming because they just look at our IDs and our shield issued uniforms before sweep the car and letting us through.

We actually go through a few of the drills before we are left to our own devices. We knock out all the people in the main part of the building before heading down to the vault where we run into a guard that I very quickly disarm and knock out leading to Happy and Walter looking like me in surprise. "I have taken many self defense classes." I say with a shrug before we continue.

Happy cracks the vault quickly and we get in. Toby finds out what cell it is in and we retrieve the object before leaving and meeting up with Nat and Clint. We then insure that they think that we were doing drills the whole time before leaving the base. We go to the meet up point and Nat and Clint take the scepter with the man as something was off about it.

Sure enough the man was lieing but he was neutralized and the scepter was given to Fury who returned it to fort Knox and explained what happened and what the problems with their security is. He even managed to get some shield agents in as guards so we have another source of information.

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