A Problem in England

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Skià pov

I worked at the hospital and helped Sam and Dean with a case. I am on a shift when I get three texts one from Merlin, one from Crow and one from Sebastian. There must be something going down in England and it is probably related to magic. I read Seb's first and it says that people have been going missing and I am being called in. Crow says the same thing ruffly but says that we will be working together. Lastly, I look at Merlin's text and he says that people from a group of mages that get their powers from the sun have been going missing.

I quickly finish my work and pawn my interns off on Meredith before going home, getting my stuff and traveling to England. I am a little tired when I arrive but head to Merlin's house to find out what he knows. "Tell me everything."

"Well the group that is going missing is made of mages that get three spells every day when the sun comes up. We don't know what is doing it but their magic disappears completely so we can't trace it. I am going to go stay with one of my old friends that is part of that group and I think you should come with me."


"She has a grandson in high school, and I think you should go with him to school just in case something happens."

I sigh in annoyance, "fine."

"Thank you, I just don't want them getting hurt." I simply nod so he gathers his stuff and we leave.

We travel to a house and inside is an older woman, a middle-aged man and a teenage boy. "Ah, Merlin, come in." The older woman says so we head in.

They don't notice me, but no one ever does. He sits down at the table, and I stand right behind him. "This is my brother Alden, he will be going to school with your grandson to keep him safe."

"He seems a bit young." I sigh and make myself look like a highschooler.

"I can adjust my appearance."

"Alright, then you better be off school starts in twenty minutes." I nod and the teenage boy gives me one of his uniforms. I quickly change and we head off to school. Apparently, merlin already signed me up so all I had to do was get my timetable and head to class. I was placed in all of the same classes as Tom the grandson. The school was told that I was Tom's cousin from America, so they figured it would be best for me to be in all of the same classes.

We went to a stone circle as a field trip. They spoke to me telling we that the wizards were taken by some lights in the sky. I figure it must be aliens, so I keep the doctor's number up on my phone as I might need him as backup. While they were talking to me Tom found a ring that reacts to magic and Benny one of the other students thinks that it has something to do with electrical flow through people's bodies that makes it glow. I message Crow and tell him about what I have found so far before putting my phone away and finishing the tour. We are told to sketch the stones, so I quickly do when I notice something come down from the sky and attack to our teacher. How unfortunate.

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