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I spend the plane ride explaining to the two mutants that Tony is not a bad guy. His father made the weapons and someone who worked for him was selling them to whoever had the money. This seems to calm them down and they decide to stay at the tower with many of the other avengers.

Karen got kidnapped because she dug too deep into something she should not have. She escaped by shooting the man who was holding her hostage. She told me because the guilt was eating her up. She also apparently saw the person that they are trying to take down through many means in her dream. I imagine that was quite concerning. I talk to her about it and she calms down a bit but all of this is getting to serious for me.

Aelynn is much too young for me to get involved is something so dangerous. That is why I am barely working for shield and completely blocking my Grimm abilities. I decide that I am going to leave the firm with them knowing that they can call if they need anything.

They take it pretty well and acknowledge why I am leaving. Matt seems a little disappointed though. I learned later from him that he finally got a suit to keep him safe but wanted me there for patch ups if necessary. I told him that I am still only one call away.

Things have calmed down and I am now just staying home with Aelynn and Bucky decided to go out and get a job. Between me using magic to cover his arm, new clothes, some hair dye and a hair cut, he looks like a completely different person.

He got a job at a local school as a Physical education teacher with a few classes and the new identity we set up for him after we fixed his mind. He started in August and seems to be doing a good job and enjoying it.

Aelynn enjoys that I am home all the time now and her favorite thing is when I take her to the park to play with other kids. I think that I will put her in preschool next year as she will be old enough to fall into the youngest group for the preschool near us.

I worked hard on teaching her some things for school and she takes all of it in stride. I have had to leave a few times to patch up Matt but it is always at night. Thanksgiving came and left and so did Christmas and New Year's. Aelynn's third birthday was a small family event.

While Aelynn is playing with her toys I decide to do something fun. I decide to try and hack Stark enterprises. I figure I can get in but the real question is if I can get in undetected.

I start working on it but get slightly distracted by Aelynn. I get back to hacking and get in where I am met by a message board. TS is the username of the person that greets me. "How did you get in? And why?"

"I hacked in because though it would be fun and it was." My message reads as guest.

"Impressive. Why don't you come work for my company?"

"Doing what?" I have already figured out that I am talking to Tony Stark.

"You can work as an intern and make technology."

"Sounds intriguing."

"Of course I would pay you as well. What do you say?" I quickly get off and make a new identity for this.

When I am done I respond. "Alright sounds like fun."

"Tell me your name and I will set up an appointment to talk through the details of the job."

"Benjamin Blake."

"Alright Benjamin, see you at the tower tomorrow morning at 10 for an interview."

"I will be sure to make it." I remove myself from the Stark database and play with Aelynn, I am actually intrigued by the things that may happen tomorrow.

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