Celebrations of Life And Of Love

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Skià pov

Christmas came and went followed by new years. I let Aelynn stay up this time so she could see the clock strike twelve marking the beginning of the year. Bucky gave me a kiss as it became the new year. He told me after that it is a tradition for people who are dating to kiss as the new year begins.

Aelynn had her fourth birthday and actually invited some people from preschool. It is the first time she has had anyone come to her birthday other than family. Bucky and dad of course had their appearance changed and I made myself look a little bit older so it would not be as strange when Aelynn called me daddy.

I found out that Derek died and attended his funeral. Meredith was so lost at the funeral but I can tell that Derek left her one last gift. There is another life growing inside of her. Hopefully it will help her heal.

The months since Derek died have been rather calm. The problem is I can feel that something is coming, within the next few years and it will have a drastic affect on the world. I am worried about what will come.

I am sitting in my room trying to decipher the feelings of fear and apprehension I have for the coming years when Bucky walks in. "What is going on? You have been acting strange."

"Something big is coming and I can tell that we cannot stop it. I do not know how soon it will happen or what will happen but it is not going to be good and I am scared. One thing about being immortal is you never lose the fear of others dying and it is never any less tragic when someone you love does. Humans are so fragile, anything could happen and we have no way of stopping what we do not know." I can tell that my voice is rushed and panicked.

Bucky just comes over and hugs me though. "It is going to be okay. Whatever happens we will get through it."

"But what if you die? What if Aelynn dies? What if dad dies?"

"Why worry about the what ifs of something that you can't stop from happening. Live in the moment, do what you can and enjoy the people around you while they are here because all humans die eventually as I am sure you know."

I nod and pull him onto my bed. I lay down and cuddle him and he shifts so that I am perfectly tucked against his body. We stay in that position for a while as I listen to his heart beat to calm down.

I get called by Shane for another area that is supposedly a home for a demon. I get my stuff together and head there. It is a house that looks rather average. The only things there are two ghosts, not a demon is sight. The ghosts walked around a lot but other than that they made no noise.

I found out about a week later that Great aunt May has cancer and the doctors say she only has three months left to live. I decided to stay with my brother and her to help out where I can. I noticed that the mark of death on her is darker than I think it should be but maybe that is just because there is nothing that can be done to save her.

Because I am living with him I told Peter that I am the other intern for Tony. Because of that I had to explain the whole shape shifting thing. We decide to walk home and to work together every day because we get off at the same time and it is summer.

We are walking home together and Peter talks about his day when I feel some close to me die. I pretend to listen while trying to find who it is. When I come to a conclusion I grimace. Great Aunt May has died.

When we arrive at the house it is surrounded by police. This means that she did not just die of cancer earlier than the doctors thought she would. I tell Peter to wait outside and I head in. A police officer escorts me in because I said that I lived here and I needed my medicine from my house.

The officer puts a hand on my shoulder when I get up to the door of the apartment that May and Peter reside in and I see caution tape across the door. I am glad that I did not let Peter come in with me. I can see that a few other doors on the floor are also open with caution tape so something must have happened.

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