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Skià pov

We spent a calming few days in China before we got on a plane to Russia. Most of the plane was full of people from the Grand Prix qualifiers. We get seated next to Yuri and his coach. We were sat in the middle of the plane so there are six seats so they are filled by our two groups.

When we land we get interviewed the moment we get into the main part of the airport. I say some fluffy things and get passed the reporters so we can head to the hotel to be ready for the next part of the qualifiers.

The short show part of the Russian qualifiers started later in the day so likely Aelynn will either fall asleep here or be brought back to the hotel by Bucky before this is over.

I am going third after a few skaters that I do not know and right before Yuri. I give it my best and return to the stands to take a sleepy Aelynn into my arms. Yuri does very well with his routine and the person after him who happens to also be named Yuri does a fairly good job as well. Both the Yuri's seem to know each other as well.

I am first on the roster for now and as I am walking out of the I run into Yuri and his coach Victor. Yuri walks up to me, he seems mildly panicked. "What is wrong?"

"Can your coach sub for mine? Victor has to go back to Japan because his dog is sick."

"Of course."

"Thank you." He says to me before turning to Victor. "Go." Victor nods and takes off leaving. Yuri then walks with us as we leave back to the hotel where all the competitors are staying. Aelynn is asleep in my arms as we walk back to the hotel. "So who is this?" Yuri asks pointing at her.

"This is my daughter. I did not feel comfortable leaving her at home for the competition with my dad so she is here with me."

"She is very cute."

"She is." Yuri just awkwardly walks with us after that until we get back to the hotel and into our separate rooms. He clearly lacks confidence in himself.

The next morning we gather up and collect Yuri before heading to the rink. We do practices and Nat points out some things for Yuri and encourages me to try and take the jumps and make them a bit more compressed. She may not have ever skated but she is very good at ballet and they have very similar concepts so she is giving good pointers.

Soon enough we all leave the ice and the first person goes up. I am second to last so I simply sit down until it is almost my turn and then I stretch and get ready again. Yuri does better than I thought he was going to do without his coach.

I make sure that I tuck in a little bit more on my jumps and I get an even higher score. I watch the final person and then have to sit through the awards again. I got first followed by the other Yuri and then Yuri. The last person here to make it to the finals is some Canadian skater.

After we finish with the awards and the reporters questions we finally get to head back to the hotel. It is nice to take a short break but short is exactly what it is as I get a call from Alex saying that I should come into the hospital.

I inform Bucky about it and quickly travel to my house in Seattle to get scrubs as well as change to the correct appearance before going to the hospital. I arrive and quickly head to where Alex is. It turns out that the reason that I am here is that the hospital has been tasked with separating a pair of conjoined twins.

This is a first for me but I have studied it many times. He shows me the X-rays and it seems like something we will be able to pull off. We then get taken to a room to learn the procedure on some dolls.

Once we are done running through the practice we bring the actual babies in and get to work. It is long and delicate but it ends up going well. The pediatric doctor was very anxious and demanding through out the surgery.

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