Spider Powers

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The management in place agreed to stay and I talked to all of the staff to tell them that the system from before will be staying in place. After I got everything set up I went back to work at Stark enterprises.

I have decided that in August I am going to briefly be going to school with my twin brother. He called me and seemed so anxious about high school I agreed to start it with him and stay for a quarter.

I also invested in some new equipment for the hospital and so did some of the others so it is doing great. Today Meredith called me because she is worried about her baby being born with some sort of problem so after work I go to visit her.

I just go to her and Derek's house and we talk. She goes over each of her worries and I talk to her about them. By the end of the conversation she seems a lot calmer.

The new year of school has come around and I told Tony of my hours that I will be able to work. Aelynn is signed up for preschool and I am signed up for the same school as Peter. It also happens to be the same school that Bucky teaches at so I can have him keep an eye on my brother if I am not there.

I get dressed in some leggings and a shirt with a flower design that reminds me of fadér and Gwaine. I place my books in my bag along with a lunch and some extra supplies just in case I need to change my pump or something. I slip on some flats and get Aelynn and her stuff ready for the day.

After breakfast we all head out. Dad has started working for the VA in his free time along with his friend so he will not be home either. Me and Bucky drop Aelynn off at preschool and then head to the highschool.

I wait by the door for Peter and when he arrives he hands me my schedule. Attached to it is a locker number and a combination. Our lockers are right next to each other so we go to our lockers and put everything we do not need till after lunch inside. Peter insists that we wait here for Ned as well so we do.

When Ned shows up we finally leave the lockers and head towards our class. We all have the same homeroom class so we can walk together in the morning. After that I only have two other classes with Peter.

By lunch I am already rather bored and have had someone make fun of me for my 'feminine' clothing. What makes these clothes feminine I do not know. I ignored them of course and sit down with Peter and  Ned. They bought lunch and looked disappointed by what they were given. Especially after I opened my own lunchbox. I packed a rather nice meal for myself, Aelynn and Bucky.

All of the classes were boring but I enjoyed spending time with my brother and I already promised to stay for the first quarter. After class I get Aelynn and head to work. I spent the rest of the afternoon and a bit of the evening working on some projects with Tony.

It is September and today we are going on a field trip to Oscorp. They are going to give us a tour and show us some of their new projects. I hung around Ned while following around Peter because Peter insisted on us falling back so he could walk with his crush.

They are cute in their interactions but they do not seem right for each other. The workers here show us a project with spiders and I cannot help but move away from them a bit. I am sure it is due to the roman version of Athena being my mother. Her and spiders do not exactly get along.

Peter notices that one of the spiders is missing from its container so I immediately move as far away from the empty tank as possible. It was all for not however because I spot the spider on my arm. I try to fling it off and it bites me.

I manage to get it off after a few moments but then see it land on Peter. I point it out to him and notice it has already bit his as well. He launches it across the room and it dies but we keep our bites a secret from everyone because we do not want to become part of the company's experiments.

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