Mothers and Babies

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Skià pov

I get a call from the hospital saying that I need to come in because Callie got in a car crash and is pregnant. They said that I am the best person to deal with this and they are not quite sure what condition she is in. I quickly change my appearance and change into scrubs. Thankfully Dad is home so I just let him know that he is in charge of Aelynn and leave.

I arrive at the hospital before she does and get everything I may need prepped. Including pushing my magic to the surface so if I need it I can access it immediately.

The moment she is rushed in the room I can tell that they are going to be okay even though they are in bad shape. The others get started on getting Callie fixed up while I am in charge of the baby.

The baby is fine through the surgery so it gets to stay in the womb for now and Callie goes up to the ICU until she is strong enough for another surgery. I agreed to watch her as I have had the least work in the last few days and the most sleep.

As I will likely not be going home in the next twenty four hours I let my dad know that he will be watching Aelynn for a day or so. They are rather close to each other because my dad watches he quite often so he has no problem with this especially since nothing has really happened since the shield collapse.

I sit and watch her for hours and I can hear the current obgyn throwing a fit because I was called in along with Addison. She seems to think that we were called in because they do not trust her enough when really they just wanted people they know very well taking care of the person we all care about.

I use a bit of magic over the time I am watching her to keep her and her baby completely stable. I do not have to use much however because she is doing rather well on her own along with the medications.

When her second surgery comes along in the morning they tell me that it has been decided that the baby will be removed from the womb as it is likely to be they safest for Callie. So both me and Addison get ready.

The baby is quite young so it is more dangerous but I am sure that this baby will live so we get down to business. We quickly do the C-section and once the baby is into a bassinet the baby is my job and Callie is completely in the hands of the others. I run all the tests on the baby and they are as fine as they can be so I close the bassinet and take them down to the NICU. It is a little girl.

The surgery on Callie goes well and a few hours later she woke up and responded to people. After I insured that both of them were okay I returned home.

About four month later I got called in again due to a mass casualty event. But that was resolved rather quickly. Then I when to visit Peter for the day because I was not busy.

Today I got a call from Merlin. He told me that the last few druids that he knows said that the world is going to come to an end of we do not stop it. They told us where to go and that we had to seal some cracks so I packed up and told him that I will meet him there. Dad is off doing something so Bucky agreed to watch her while I deal with whatever is happening and I told him if it will take more than a few hours I will call him some backup.

We arrive in the Arctic and seal the cracks that are leaking gas that will kill all life on earth. It does not take long with both our magic and soon we are headed back to our homes. When I get back I see that Aelynn and Bucky are bonding so I sit in the shadows and watch until Aelynn reveals that I am here. Likely because she can sense my magic.

Me and Bucky spend the rest of the day playing with Aelynn as my dad was out doing who knows what. Once Aelynn is in bed we cook dinner and go to bed.

I am woken up in the morning by a call from scorpion. "Yes?"

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