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Timber JadePOV

   I wake up but it feels like I have a weight laying on my leg and chest. I open my eyes and see that I am at BG's house and in his bed. Then it all comes flooding back how once again Coulter chose the boys over me. He may be handsome as sin but I am tired of being treated like this. I get out of the bed and head to the bathroom turning the shower on. My head is killing me cause I drank to much last night before coming over to BG's, well this morning. I step in the shower and wash my hair and body with my mind running around crazy. Why do I put up with Coulter's shit? Is it because something is wrong with me that he treats me this way? Or is it because he has found someone else? That's it! That is the reason I really haven't confronted him because deep down I am afraid that he has found someone else and yet again I just ain't good enough. As I realize this I collapse to the floor and I am sitting there holding my legs with my head on my knees crying.
   The door opens and I look up as Brantley steps into the shower. He kneels down beside me and pulls me into his arms just holding me as the sobs wrack my body. He picks me up when the water turns cold and steps out of the shower turning it off.
        He sets me on the counter and lifts my chin and asks" Do you want to talk Jade or do you want to pretend like last night didn't happen again? It's all up to you how we play this."

      "I don't know Brantley I have no idea what is going on. I thought that Coulter was different than the other  guys but now I am wondering if it is me. That I make them all turn out that way... am I to clingy? Is that why he never wants to come home and spend time with me? Or is the reason he refuses to take me out is that I am so ugly tht he is ashamed of being seen with me? I know I am not beautiful but I didn't think I looked that bad I mean I know I need to lose some weight and my..."
  I didn't get to finish that sentence because Brantley put his finger to my lips and said," Timber Jade stop right there, Coulter is an idiot for treating you like this , you deserve so much more princess. As for not being beautiful, I want to know right now,  does he tell you that shit or is it coming from your head? Cause from where I am standing you win hands down on looks. Your long hair makes a man want to run his fingers through it and then grab a fist full of it as he fucks you from behind and those baby blue eyes a man can get lost in for days and forget about the world. And since you think you need to lose weight let me tell you what a real man wants....a real man wants some soft place to lay his head and a soft place to hold on to because being poked by bones is such a turn off. A real man likes curves just like you have" as he trails his finger down the side of my breast and stops on my hip.
    I'm sitting here speechless and if I am being honest, turned on, because I look at the man standing in front of me in his boxer briefs that leave nothing to the imagination and I look into his eyes that are hooded with desire and as I start to lean in  toward Brantley,he bites his lip and a loud banging startles us and pulls us both back.
   Brantley says"Get dried off princess and I will see what is going on . You can use any of my clothes to put on, you know where everything is."

  As I watch him walk out the door I can't take my eyes off his ass until I hear..."Darlin you keep staring at my ass like you want to take a bite ot of it, I'm not gonna be responsible for what I do next"
  I raise my eyes and meet Brantley's and he grins and says "get dressed" and that is when I realize that I am naked.


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