Flashback Senior Year of College

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Brantley POV

I just finished up a meet and greet and I am headed to the bus when I get a call from a number in Athens Georgia. Jade is at School so I answer it to make sure it's not her.


"I need to speak to Mr Brantley Gilbert please"

"This is Brantley"

" Mr Gilbert I am Dean Box at the University of Georgia and you are the emergency contact on Timber Jade Williams and I am calling you because she has been admitted to the hospital "

"What the hell do you mean she's been admitted to the hospital what is wrong with her?"

"I am not at liberty to say. All I can tell you is that she is in the hospital and you need to come"

"Dammit when I get there I will beat your ass if you don't tell me something. Was she in a wreck or is she sick what?"

"Sir she was attacked and I will tell you she is stable but I can't tell you any more just that she keeps calling for you"

" Mister tell Jade I am on my way and I will see her in a few hours. "

I look at PJ and tell him," Get my truck as I grab my bag please. That was the school Jade is in the hospital, she was attacked .

I run on the bus and change real quick and as I am coming off and I tell them i will let them know something as soon as I know what's going on.

As I drive towards Athens pushing my truck as hard as I dare I call Kolby and tell him to get Mama and head to the hospital that Jade was admitted and I didnt know anything other than she was attacked and stable asking for me.

Kolby called me an hour later saying that she refused to see him and Mama that she told them only Brantley. Hearing that I just push harder knowing she needs me and its killing me. I do the only thing I know and I do something I hadn't done in a while ...

God, its me Brantley and I know you aren't happy with me but could you please listen to me . Can you make sure my Timber Jade is okay. They won't tell me anything and she's been attacked . Can you just please watch over my princess ? She's the sweetest and most kind person and has the biggest heart . please God not for me cause I know I don't deserve it but can you do it for Timber Jade? Please God take care of my Princess?

I see the hospital sign and I pull into the parking lot and jumping out and running into the hospital and I see Mama and she hugs me and said "son whatever you find behind that door you need to be strong "

"Pray for me Mama"

I walk into the room and I want to crumble on the floor and I am seeing red at the same time. I walk to the bed and she holds out her hand and I take it and she pulls me to the bed. I wrap her in my arms and she said," its okay now that you are here"

"Princess they wouldn't tell me anything over the phone can you tell me what happened to you?"

"Yeah some stupid asshole thought that I was an easy mark to mug and take my purse and jewelry. But what he didn't know is that I had been taught how to defend myself by an outlaw"

"Princess please tell me that he didn't "

"No he didn't he just wanted my money and the necklace you gave me for my birthday, but as you see he didn't get it. "

"Timber Jade give them the stuff cause baby girl I can replace the things but I can't replace you. "

A doctor walks in and tells us," she has a concussion and gonna have a pretty good shiner for a few days and a broken arm but considering I think she is pretty lucky. I want to keep her overnight for observation and then she can go home tomorrow morning. "

As he walked out i pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head. "Jade I am gonna go let Mama and Kolby know that you are gonna be okay and I will be right back."

I let them know that they can go on home and what had happened. When I walk back in Jade is turned away from the door crying . I make my way to her as she cries and sit on the bed pulling my princess to my chest and let her cry it all out and she tells me how scared she was and how she fought and then she tells me it was someone she knew and that she knows she broke his nose. That is why she is so hurt and scared. I tell her," princess I promise you that I will make him pay before I leave, okay"

She is asleep and I let myself drift off but not before thanking God for watching out for my princess.

The next day I get Jade home and comfortable and her friend Beth came over and tells me that the guy often hangs out at a certain bar and that I will know him because he has 2 black eyes. I head out and I know that I have to be more careful so Kolby is going with me.
We are sitting at the bar having a drink and shooting the shit with the bartender who turned to be an old friend. When he motions over my shoulder and I turn and I can't help but smile cause Jade did a number on this guy. My princess is a badass. I watch as he asks for a beer and I just wait and watch. The bartender asks him what happened and he told him that a bitch hit him.
I just sit and wait and listen letting him get drunk and then as he starts to leave I follow him out and as soon as he rounds the corner to his car , I hit him from behind and I throw him up against the car pounding on his face and then his ribs and when he can't stand up anymore I kick him in the ribs and lean down and said," don't you ever look at Timber any more you hear me or next time you won't be eating out of anything but a straw for a very long time got me buddy?"
He grunted and nodded and I kicked him again and went back to Jade.

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