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Timber Jade POV

  I wake up and he wasn't in bed and I started to panic. I jumped up and went searching the cabin for him screaming his name. He came running from outside holding his kimbers and busted his ass when he tripped on the rug that we had misplaced the night before or well really this morning. I couldn't help it I laughed until I cried especially when he said," what is it why were you screaming?" I laughed and said," I woke up and you weren't in the bed with me and I couldn't find you"
  "Hell Jade you scared the shit out of me, I thought something was after you"
  " it was a memory of this past year waking up in bed alone every damn day and I hated it. I hated not getting my good morning text and my goodnight text and I hated that I didn't get to hear all the crazy shit you were doing on tour and how you had an idea for a song and what did I think. I don't ever want to live that way again baby cause it was hell!"
   Brantley pulls me too him and kisses my head and tells me," baby I promise you, we aren't going through that kind of hell again cause I missed all of that and I missed your crazy pictures that you send me"
  "Now what were you doing outside?"
"Go get dressed in them Daisy's and tank top cause we are going for a ride baby on the farm"

  We have turned our phones off and have been cut off from everything for the last 4 days and Brantley has done everything that he said he would, he has truly made me his, in every way possible. 
   I get dressed like he said but I don't bother with a bra just my Daisy's and a tank top and my boots. I pull my hair up in a ponytail and pull out my old worn out BG Nation cap before grabbing my Ray Bans and heading out the back door.
   He has the 4 wheeler at the back door and is sitting on it and the smile on his face makes my day cause it is one that is reserved just for me.  Brantley takes off on a trail and comes to a small pond and waiting there is a quilt and picnic basket and 2 fishing poles. I just smile this man knows me too well. He helps me off the 4 wheeler and we fish or well we throw out a line and I was trying to fish until B started kissing my neck . I made him stop and we sat down and ate the sandwiches he fixed.
  " it's been nice since we cut our phones off"  he said.
  "Yeah although I don't know if mine being on would have made a difference cause I text everyone that first morning and they all sent back that it was a good thing and they didn't want to hear from me until we had sorted this shit out, talk about friends "
  "Darlin you know they all love you and if they thought you were in trouble they would have come running. They knew I loved you and hadn't stopped and knew it was gonna take something drastic to change us cause we are both too damn stubborn for our own good sometimes."  And with that B picked me up and tossed me into the pond.
   "What the hell Brantley Keith ?!!"
"You look so hot I thought you needed cooling off". He said with that damn smirk that makes me wet.
  I decide turn about is fair play so I pull off my tank top and throw it on the bank and shimmy out of my shorts and throw them up there too.  His eyes are big as saucers and he pulls off his clothes and dives in with me. We are splashing and laughing and then I swim into his arms and he kisses me and says," Baby this is the best thing ever. I've been skinny dipping at night but never in broad daylight."  Then he dunks me under the water and I come up screeching and sputtering and try to dunk him when we hear a gunshot.
  Brantley turns pushing me behind him looking around when we see Kolby, Luke,Caroline, Jason, Brittany, Eli and Ashley all standing up on the top of the hill.  They all look mad.
  "What in the hell yall?" Brantley yells
"Well we all got worried when we couldn't get ahold of either one of y'all for the past 4 days. Wanted to make sure you hadn't killed each other. " Jason said.
"Well you see we are fine so you can leave."
  I slap him on the back and said," B, be nice. Y'all can go on up to the house and we will be there shortly . "
   "No we can wait and walk with you cause we need to talk " Caroline said.
  I huff and B laughs and said," well if y'all want us out of this water then everyone has to turn around until we tell you it's clear"
  They all look at each other and the guys turn around but Caroline said," no I'm good I've seen it all before. One dick is as good as another"
I can't help but laugh along with everyone else but Luke and he is standing there looking at her like she has three heads. Then he turns her around and Brittany laughs when she said," you can't blame a girl for trying I could have made some money describing the package to other women."
Brantley is turning pink and I can't help but laugh as we get out and get our clothes on.
"Jeez that woman scares me Jade"
I whisper," stay on her good side of you know what's good for you"
   We grab the quilt cleaning things up and load it up on the 4 wheeler and as we get close to everybody and was both being passed around getting hugs I shudder when Kolby hugs me and Brantley can't help himself he laughs till he is crying. And I look at him and it hits me and I did exactly what he said I would do.

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