Back on Tour

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Timber Jade POV

   It has been a month since the stripper show at FGL House and its been hell. The label was upset cause the movie people pulled the movie when videos of the guys made it to You Tube. Not that it really mattered, they all had decided to say no mainly because they didn't want to be known as those guys. They wanted it to be about their music not their bodies. Of course all of us ladies were in agreement cause none of us wanted our men stripping down to a g string for the whole world to see. I mean the comments were bad enough when all they did was dance.
    So the other thing was that Scott and Jeff wanted me to go on the next leg tour with Brantley to help with the PR and tour cause Jeff needed to have some time off to help out with a family situation and since I had done a whole year with Kip they figured I could do 4 months with BG.
      Well that is if we didn't kill each other, with Kip he saw me as a professional and that is how he treated me. Brantley sees me as his woman and not necessarily his boss in a manner of speaking.

     Like right now he is up front pouting cause I told him that he had to do this radio interview before the show tonight and he doesn't like the guy for whatever reason I don't know and didn't ask. I told him that he had to be professional and do his job. He growled at me and told me to cancel it and I told him Scott said no that he had to go. So he yelled," woman what good is it that you are my tour manager if you can't get me out of it?"
" Brantley you are going to that interview and you are going to smile and answer questions and promote this tour and your album and that is that do you hear me?"
  Hence the reason he stormed out of our bedroom slamming the door and went up front. I look at my watch and see that we should be arriving in about 15 minutes so I head up front. Brantley is sitting in his chair with his arms crossed and glances at me but doesn't say anything. I sit down and get out my ipad and go over the logistics for tonight's concert. I text Ben and make sure they have arrived at the venue and that set up is done. He sent back that they had just pulled up and would go check the setup and let me know.
  As we pull into the radio station I check my makeup in my mirror and freshen up my lipstick and grab my phone and look at BG and he is getting up and I ask ," are you through pouting and gonna be an adult and do this interview like a professional"

" I will show you professional but woman let me tell you that jerk in there is anything but professional and I hope to hell you don't find out just what I am talking about Timber Jade. Now lets get this shit done and over with"  with that he walked off the bus

  I knew then that whatever had happened in the past with this guy was not good cause Brantley never got that upset over nothing. I will probably owe him an apology but it means that we need to sit down and define my role as his tour manager and PR person and how we can keep it separate .

   As we walk in, Brantley puts his hand on my back showing me which way to go. We meet the station manager and as we shake hands and make small talk until the DJ goes to commercial break. We get the signal and Brantley gets mic'd up and sits down . I stand against the wall watching and listening.

DJ: I want to welcome Country Outlaw Brantley Gilbert here in the studio with us talking with us today about his new album and tour The Devil Don't Sleep.

BG: Thanks man its nice to be here, we appreciate you having us and playing our music.

DJ: Well the new song The Ones That  Like Me makes a pretty bold statement

BG: I wouldn't say a bold statement, its like I have always said my records and songs are chapters of my life , so if you listen to them you pretty much get a lot of who I am.

DJ: Well what would you call in the song if you don't like me chances are I don't like you either?

BG: This song is about the friends who are there and that you are there for. That the people who say you can't do something really can't stop you. The people who need me well they have me I will move hell or high water to do whatever I can for them. And well the statement in question what it means is that i am a gun toting southern country boy who loves his family and friends and would do anything for them and if you don't like that and it offends you then good chances whatever they stand for i won't like. You know that's okay cause our military has given their blood sweat and tears to defend this country so we all have that right.

DJ: okay well now that we have talked about that whAT else is new in your life?

BG: Well we are touring with Tucker Beathard,  Brian Davis ,and Luke Combs and it has been a blast with these guys.

DJ: Well anything on your personal life you want to share?

BG: laughing No not really

DJ: What about the rumors of a movie based on country music like Magic Mike

BG: I can honestly say that there is no truth to that rumor

DJ:  well how about in the girlfriend department I know last time you were here you said your motto was single for life, does that still hold true

BG: (laughs) you know what they say about making a statement like that it will bite you in the butt and you have to eat those words

DJ: so the video of you singing, Against the World then kissing a woman is that a relationship

BG: Yes I am in a committed relationship and it like all other relationships have its up and downs.

DJ: So how does your girlfriend handle the fact that you have a female tour manager does it cause problems cause she is hot from what I can see

BG: well you see she's filling in for Jeff cause he needed to take some off to help with a family situation and Timber Jade agreed to step in for the next 4 months since she was gonna be on tour with me anyway.

DJ: So she is your girlfriend?

BG: Yes she is she has been on tour with Kip Moore and came off about 6 weeks ago and when Scott asked if she could help she did it with no hesitation. 

DJ: So no more late night parties with the fan girls since the ball and chain is along but then again looking at her I can say I wouldn't mind being chained to her.

BG: Man that's the love of my life you are talking about so I would appreciate you not disrespecting her. As far as parties I haven't done that in a while.

DJ: Well you have heard from BG that he is off the market ladies but you can still show him some love go out and buy his new CD The Devil Don't Sleep and if you are anywhere close to a show go out and buy a ticket cause he rocks it out. Thanks BG

BG: Thanks and I will see you all on the road BG NATION

Brantley gets up and looks at the DJ and then looked at me and said," Can we go now "

"Yes we have to get you to sound check"

As we are walking out I say," if you would have just told me why you wanted out of this interview we could have worked something out but just throwing a tantrum and pouting because I'm your girlfriend won't work . You have to talk to me like you would Jeff in these situations.  I know this isn't easy to separate me Timber Jade and Jade but you have got to ."

" I know that now but I wasn't throwing a tantrum and pouting . I was trying to protect you"

"I am a big girl and a professional I deal with jackasses everyday Brantley but I don't need you being one."

"I wasn't throwing a tantrum I just knew he was gonna say something about you and with you being my manager I couldn't do anything so I didn't want to deal with it."

"Okay we will figure this out but from now on talk to me instead of pouting "

Brantley heads to sound check mumbling under his breath and I yell," Hey B, I love you"

He turns," I love you Jade" and gives me the smile that melts my heart.

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