Girls Night Part 3

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Third Person POV

Jason looks at them and said,"really y'all that's my sister and I do not need to hear about what they do in bed"

"Can't say its always in bec sometimes its the counter or the kitchen table" Eli says

"Or the couch,deerstand, floor, truck, bike, porch" Caroline laughs.

Dustin looks at all of them....Hell do they do stuff like this often?

Luke deadpans,"all the damn time" while Ash says,"if you hang around much you better get used to it"

"Damn..." Dustin says.

Jason growls,"tried to turn the damn bus over"
Britt looks and tells him," doesn't care who is around but then again I wouldn't either if I was trying to start a family."

Ash looks at everyone and said,"yeah its starting to get to TJ she's going more and more in her head the longer it takes. The other day she was playing with Tinsley and had to leave cause she started crying"

"I got a feeling dunno why I just do ..." Luke tells them.
"If she don't get out of her own  head soon I'm gonna spank her ass myself and she won't like it. Hell BG would probably hold her for me" Jason tells them.

"Guys that is so easy for you to say you aren't faced with not having kids, I mean hell Jason you have 3 and Luke we have 2 and then 3 more with Till and the girls. I think she is dealing with it pretty well ....she isnt running this time." Caroline says as she looks at Jason and Luke.

"I know Caroline....I'm just worried about her ...hell we all are"

Eli looks at all of them taking a drink," they are gonna be fine BG ain't letting her go baby or no baby and I don't know I feel like they are gonna get their miracle soon."

Britt exclaims,"hell no he wont he will hog tie her to the bed"

Jay takes a gulp of his drink,"I can't hear that shit"

Britt slides the bottle of Jack over,"drink up babe"

Dustin says,"sooooo they are like this cause they are trying to get pregnant"

Caroline laughs,"no they are like this cause they love each other so fucking much but wasted 6 years being best friends and then another year cause they had their heads stuck up their asses."

Britt takes a shot and growls"thought we were gonna need to beat them both"

"Oh I did BG for what he did to send her running " Jason said.
Eli says,"I was about to after they both came back but TJ beat recto it"
Ash laughs,"that pop to the nose was sooooo damn sweet"
Luke laughs,"I bet it was but y'all the moment we all got that text that he had kidnapped her and took her to the cabin , well I ain't gonna lie that was one of the best news I had ever got"

Jason laughs," yeah it was but I was a little afraid that they would kill each other before they could work it out."

Eli looks at them ," who will bet me that tonight is the night it happens for them?"

"If you take that bet you are crazy " PJ tells them.

They all look around at each other and grin. The guys got to pay the tab only to find out that BG had already taken care of it. They say their goodbyes knowing that other than text they wouldn't get to see each other for a while with Christmas next week and then they would all be getting ready to tour. 


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