Fed Up

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   Jade tiptoes off the bus quietly looking around as she stands on the bottom step. She jumps when the phone vibrates in her hand and the baby kicks making her grin and rub her stomach. Looking up she sees an SUV across the parking lot with Britt leaning out of the SUV window waving. She glances back quickly before making a beeline to the SUV. After about 4 steps she hears a throat clear behind her and that sexy rough just woke up voice of B's ," What do you think you are doing Timber Jade? I know you were not just sneaking out of the bus like you were doing a walk of shame and heading to that SUV to leave with out a body guard, now were you darlin'?"
   She pauses and debates with herself on how to handle this, be sweet or put her damn foot down. They all had been treating her like glass and she was fed the fuck up with the whole damn bunch. Deciding on the latter she whirls around to see B standing on the bottom step barefoot with a low slung pair of sweatpants on. Caroline rolls down the window and lets out a whistle, "looking good there BG" Britt laughs and says,"yeah being a daddy hasn't ruined your sex appeal old man"
   BG growls and crosses his arms waiting on Jade. As she looks him up and down biting her lip, she thinks, damn pregnancy hormones, cause when he crossed his arms it was all she could do not to run and drag him back on the bus and strip him naked. BG says," I asked what you were doing Timber Jade ?"
"Well if you must know Brantley Keith I am going shopping with my best friends since I need new clothes for this baby bump." She says crossing her arms and giving him a hard glare.
"Fine just give me a minute and I will get PJ since I know Jason is out of town and Luke is in the studio and I have a meeting and interviews while we are here in Nashville."
  "No" Jade growls while staring him down "I need a few hours of girl time. NO MEN ALLOWED!!! And last time I checked PJ was a man "
  Growling in his throat he stalks to her "Timber Jade you will do as I say and take PJ with you "
"Hell no I am not Brantley Keith and if you keep this stupid ass Caveman shit up you will find yourself on the business end of my new Smith and Wesson 380, do you hear me mister?"
  "Princess " he says softly trying a different approach " for my peace of mind please"
"No " Jade says poking his chest biting back a moan at the feel of his warm skin."you are not getting your way this time Brantley Keith , so fucking deal with it . I am a grown woman and last time I checked women have been having babies for years without body guards trailing their every move!! "
"Princess think about our baby.... you would do anything to stay safe, so just take PJ. He can keep the fans away from y'all "
  Hands on her hips stomping her foot," I am not a damn China doll that will break. This is a GIRLS ONLY trip and like I said PJ ain't a girl, and don't you fucking dare to tell me to think about the baby Brantley Keith, I think about the baby 24/7 cause I carry it with me all the time!!!"
   "Jade " he grumbles reaching for her and his jaw drops open when she side steps him turning away and slinging her purse over her shoulder.
" I said No B and I damn well mean NO. We will be fine. I have PJ on speed dial if not, I NEED this. As much as I love you and all the boys you are driving me crazy and if I have to stay cooped up or followed around like I am 2 I WILL SHOOT SOMEONE!"
   "TIMBER JADE GILBERT DO NOT GET IN THAT VEHICLE" he growls turning red as she walks to the SUV. As she crawls in she turns back and smiles ," See you in a couple of hours Big Daddy"
   As Caroline pulls away looking back she says," oh holy hell woman, the fact that you are pregnant is the only reason he is not going to make sure you need a pillow to sit down on."
"That's an interesting shade of red he has going on " Britt says with a giggle.
  "Eh, he will get over it. He's lucky I didn't knock him in that thick skull with my purse. Cause I swear on all that is holy if I had to take a damn babysitter to go shopping with y'all I was gonna shoot him. Ugh y'all they are killing me, if it ain't B or PJ it's Ben and Jesse and just last night BJ told on me because I climbed  on a chair to reach something. B yelled at me for 20 minutes over that. Quick turn off your locations, Snapchat too. They are sneaky like that"
"Oh come on y'all they are not that bad?" Britt says with a laugh.
Caroline quickly turns off and lowers a look at Britt," hell yeah they are Big Daddy don't play"
Jade giggles from the back seat," oh Big Daddy plays just not with anything to do with the baby, I mean if he didn't I wouldn't be pregnant"
   Caroline laughs, "hell yeah this is what I am talking about, girls day out, no men just is having fun"

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