You Lied

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Timber Jade

   After that morning after the album release party well things were a little strained between us. I hope this weekend is back to normal with the bonfire.
   I pull up at my house and go in sitting my bags down in my bedroom. I decide to change into a tank top and a pair of cut offs cause around the fire it will be hot. I grab my phone and text B that I was making my way over. We had cleaned out the trail between our houses that way it was just 2 minutes through the woods versus 10 going by the road. It sure helped on those late nights.
   As I come out on the trail, Ben sees me and hands me a drink, slinging his arm around my shoulders and he leaned over and said," I am so glad you are here he has been like a sore tailed cat in a room full of rockers."
    I laugh and tell him," not sure if I will make things better or worse"
  I see Brantley standing in the other side and as soon as he sees me he smiles and makes his way to me.
  "Hey darlin how was the drive home?" As he pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek.
   I tell him ," not to bad just glad to be home for a week, no classes , no homework , nothing but peace and quiet"
  He laughs and said," since when is it peace and quiet when we are both home "
   I am laughing at his statement when Kolby said,"piece who's getting a piece of ass? Bro do we have to give you your man card back? Did I just here that you got a piece of that ass" he laughs as he points at me.

   Brantley turns his eyes to Kolby and said," watch your damn mouth if your not careful I will shut it for you. Now apologize to Jade"
  "Woah brother, I was just cracking a joke no need to get all pissy" Kolby said.
  To keep them from fighting I take Brantley by the hand and lead him to the house. We get inside and he takes me to the studio and shuts the door. I look at him as he turns around and what he said  next makes my breath hitch.

    "Jade I remember everything from the night of your birthday, I have tried talking to you about it but you shutvme down. So we are here till we discuss this and hash it out. I know that we had sex, I know that we both consented so what I am asking you is do you remember and  if you do why did you lie to me about it ?"

  "B, I don't know what to say, yes I remember. I remembered it all and when you didn't I thought we had dodged a bullet and wouldn't have to go through this awkward shit. I don't want to lose you or your friendship. I can't lose your friendship over one night that happened. Can I ask what made you remember? "

"Well you see I went to do laundry and I saw something pink hanging out of my pocket and when I took it out it was these" as he holds up my favorite pair of lace panties. He grins and said,"it all came flooding back Jade. I don't want to change us. It was amazing but like you I can't lose you not now."

"Brantley I know that you are hurting from Amber leaving, yall were planning a life together and you love her I understand. I understand that she can't deal with it but I caner be that way . I hate that you are killing yourself with the booze and pills but I won't leave. We found comfort in each other for a night that went farther than either of us planned. That Doesn't have to change us, our friendship. We just forget that part of the night happened and we stay the same , okay."

"Jade I don't want to hurt you or you feel like I used you"

"Stop right there B, I don't feel that way. I was celebrating 21 you were celebrating and album release and that is it. We are okay as long as when we walk out of this room you and I are back to normal cause I am tired of this awkward shit"

"You got a deal Darlin" and he pulls me in for a hug and as he pulls back he wipes my eyes and tilts his head. I smile and say," I needed that it felt like we were back"

  We walk back out to the bonfire and I see it is in full swing. Jesse comes up and asks me if I want a drink and I tell him that would be great. He goes and gets it and we are talking about the new album and how things have been going on tour when out of the corner of my eye I see Brantley talking with a beautiful brunette that I haven't seen before. Jesse follows my eyes and he said," flavor of the week " I laugh and nod my head yes. I walk away and make rounds talking to everyone and catching up when Ben picks me up and I scream"put me down jolly green giant, cause if you don't do it right now you better run when you do"
Ben laughs and sits me on the ground slinging his arm around my neck."little bit when you gonna be done with school and travel with us full time ?"

"I have one more year after this one but who says I will travel with you looneys?"

"Well that is what we are hoping you do. You help keep B under control ."

"I know Ben but he will come to his senses before long ."

About that time they pull the guitars out and start playing and someone said"play outlaw women"

Brantley looks up at me and winks as he begins to play and sing and in that moment I know we will be okay .

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