Seeing Her

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Brantley POV

    I just got home from a 3 month stretch of tour and I'm so tired. I used to love it but it doesn't have the same effect as it once did. I think back to a year ago when I thought I had it all but it was ripped away in an instant and from that moment I swore I would never let another person get close enough to hurt me like that ever again.

  I turn into Mama's driveway and park. She comes running out to see me and I can't help but smile. She is beautiful and I thank God every day that she never gave up on me.

"I'm so glad your home Brantley. You are missed when your gone. Come inside and let me fix you something to eat. I was just about to sit down to eat myself."

"That's the best thing I have heard all day mama cause nothing beats your cooking. How is everyone?"

"Everyone is fine. Kolby went to help Eli this morning and he hasn't got back yet but how are you?"
"I'm tired mama and glad to be home. This food is the best mama, thanks."

"Anytime son, you know your girl is home too"

"Mama I don't have a girl you know that"

" No what I know is that you let the best damn woman you have ever had walk , no you ran her out of your life cause you are one stubborn hard ass man. You never gave her a chance you placed her in the same category as Jana and the rest. I haven't told you but I am ashamed that you hurt her like you did. The one person who had just promised her in front of the whole damn world that it was you and her no matter what, turned your back on her. You fix this while you are home Brantley Keith do you hear me?"

" Mama you weren't there you didn't see what I saw and what I know."

" No you listen to me, you fix it, cause so help you if you don't I will tan your hide and there are plenty of people that will help me do it too. Fix it Brantley Keith cause there ain't nobody need to be run from their home for a year, this is the first time she's been back because she didn't want to make things hard on you. Tell me that is a woman who fucked another man or did you forget that she had just been raped and her body wasn't healed yet? Yeah I see in your eyes you forgot that information , you have put that girl through hell and it's time for you to man up and do the right thing like I raised you to. I love you but get out cause you got some things to figure out"

"Mama I don't know what to say to you, I love you but I just don't know."

"Then do what you need to do to figure it out son "

I leave Mama's and I go home and I look out the back door to the trail. It has grown up in this last year. Oh it's still passable but not like before. There are no well worn tracks between our houses any more. I can't take this so I grab my keys to the bike and I ride.
  I can't get out of my head what mama said. I automatically assumed her meeting had been with Kip and that I caught them saying goodbye. I had just laid my heart out for the entire world to see the night before  and this was what I saw,  Jade in the arms of another man no not any other man but one she had fucked and that wanted to pick it back up .
We didn't make love that night her body was still healing but I forgot all of that in my rage and hurt and I did the one thing I said I would never do and I hurt her. I kicked her when she was down.
  I find myself pulling into Eli's and I see Cam on a new 4 wheeler. He tells me TJ gave it to him for missing his birthday. And my princess Tinsley has a new play house from TJ.

I see her turn and our eyes meet and it is all I can do to stay upright. She tell me hey and I call her TJ.
Wrong move Tinsley is quick to remind me that she is Jade and that only I call her Jade, little stinker asked if I forgot cause I was old. I pick her up and tickle her and make her laugh. When I get done I look around and see Jade walking up the hill and she looks back and our eyes meet and I see the hurt where I once saw love and it makes me mad at myself. I did that.

  I look to Eli and said," why did she leave?"

"Said she had to cause she wasn't expecting to see you today and wasn't prepared. But I know she plans on being here tomorrow to help Cam mud up that new ride of his, so brother I suggest you get ready to grovel and beg and do whatever the hell she wants you to do cause I am damn tired of seeing her hurt and you being a royal jackass. I love you but it's time you gave her a chance you might be surprised."

"So you think she will talk to me tomorrow? "

"Yeah I do it's been a year and y'all need to fix this for those 2 babies right over there cause I'm tired of them asking why TJ isn't around and Uncle B is always mad. What you two do affect more than just you it affects us all B. I love you brother but I'm telling you now, you were wrong with what you did and it's time to fix it."

I hang out with them until bedtime and then I ride home replaying everything that Mama and Eli said along with Jason, Luke, Britt and Caroline. God that woman scares me as much as my mama does, she ripped me a new one several times this last year. Jason well he didn't speak to me for 3 months and then when he did he left a bruise on my jaw. I don't get it I know I am missing something but Jade didn't even bother to try to explain anything to me she just gave up without a fight. What was I supposed to think she had been on tour as Kips PR person for the last year? I just don't know. I slow down as I pass her driveway and then go on and pull into mine. I can't help but wonder just what am I missing that they all know.

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