Oh Shit!

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Jade was driving B's truck back from girl's day with Ashley and Tinsley. They had went and had their nails done while the men folk worked on their bikes. As she came flying aroung the curve in town, she saw the new Chief of Police sitting behind a sign and he hit his blue light. Jade narrowed her eyes and gave him the Califoria howdy. She kept on going because he should know better if he had listened to the ones before him. She heard the sirens and automatically hit the call button over the bluetooth to tell BRantley what was going on.
"Hey Princess you almost home?" B asked
"Yeahy but I am being pulled over by Mayesvilles new Chief of Police so you are gonna hear it all okay babe"
"Jade " he sighs " what did you do?"
"Well I might have been speeding cause my back is hurting and I don't feel good so i was trying to get home. Hold that thought here is
Barney Fife now"
"License and registration ma'am" the Chief asks
"Here you go and is there any way you can hurry this up I am not feeling well" Jade says sweetly
"I know Mrs. Gilbert that you may have been used to calling the shots with the previous Chief but there is a new man in town and it's time that you and your husband realize it. Just because he is some celebrity doesn't mean that you and him can continue to break the law. I will be back in a few minutes, I need to run these through the system" Chief says
"I'm not trying to call the shots Chief I really don't feel good as was trying to get home as quick as I could. " Jade tells him.
"That's it I think you might just need to learn a lesson so please step out of the truck ma'am" He tells her and at that time Brantley is heard over the speaker
"Princess you keep your ass in that truck I am on my way. There is no way in hell my wife who is due to give birth any minute is going to be going to jail"
"What the fuck have you done Mrs. Gilbert? It is best you listen to me and step out of the truck so you don't get another charge of resisting arrest added."
"You hold up there one second Barney Fife, I don't appreciate your tone or your language that you are using toward me.
I haven't done a damn thing wrong for you to be arresting me so write me a damn ticket and let me get home because my back is killing me."Jade tells him gritting her teeth with every word.
He yanks the door open and pulls Jade from the truck causing her to stumble and she almost falls, as she goes to straighten up a gush of water floods the ground and Jade bends over clutching her stomach. She yells "Dammit B hurry your ass up my water just broke" as she grasps the side of the door. The Chief pulls on her arm and tells her" Stop being dramatic you and I both know you just pissed yourself because there is finallt someone you can't run the show with"
Jade glares at thim bent over,"I am gonna give you a piece of advice, get your hands off me or else when my husband pulls up you will wish you had. The last man who put their hands on me without my consent ended up dead. Now dumbass call an ambulance cause I don't know if I will make it to Athens the way I feel."
   Eli pulls up and Brantley jumps out and comes running to Jade ignoring the Chief scooping her up and taking her to the passenger side and placing her in the truck. He comes back around the truck with both kimbers drawn and tells the Chief" You can follow us to Athens and give her a damn ticket or you can forget this I don't give a fuck either way but I will tell you this, i will have your badge for putting your hands on my wife. I will also kick your ass if anything happens to either of them. And FYI, GBI will be paying you a visit. They have been recording the phone call. Now get out of my way cause don't you think I will hesitate to use them.
Brantley looks at Jade and climbs in the truck and pulls out heading to Athens to the hospital. "Princess you doing okay? " he asks rubbing her hand.
"I am now B I am now, just hurry please" Jade says squeezing his hand.

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