Flashback 2015 Breaking up is Hard Part 2

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Timber Jade POV

    As soon as Amber walks off, I turn and head to the back door grabbing my phone and slipping it in the hoodie I have on. I grab the keys to the side by side and slip on my boots that are by the back door.
   All I can think about is getting to Brantley, making sure he doesn't throw away his sobriety for her. I get in the side by side and head off down the trail as fast as I can. I stop when I come into view of his house. He is standing on the back deck looking off in the distance. I can see the pain and hurt from here. It radiates off of him like  warmth on a cold winter day.
   I pull up and make my way to the back deck and he has a bottle and her ring. The bottle is just sitting on the railing by the ring he picked out for her. He was over the moon the day he bought that ring.....so happy to finally be getting the chance with the woman he has loved for half his life. Now all I see is a broken man.  
      I come up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist and lay my cheek on his back. He places a hand over mine and we stay like that for a long time. Not speaking..... he's lost in his thoughts and memories.....and I am just there for support. 

    Finally he said,"She's gone for good this time, Jade. I lost the woman I loved. Maybe it just goes to prove that I am meant to be single for life."
    "She stopped by and told me B, I'm so sorry."

"She tell you why?"

   "Yeah some crazy notion that you were in love with me. I set her straight but I am so sorry. Do you want me to leave?"

   "No I need you cause I am so afraid that if I stay alone tonight that I won't be able to fight the devil on my shoulder. She is right I do love you and you are a light in my darkness. You stayed when everyone else left me. Just can you stay tonight Timber Jade?"
   I could feel my heart breaking into pieces because this man standing in front of me was broken ....... with tears running down his face and a look that can only be described as lost.
I wrapped my arms around his stomach and placed my head on his chest and I said," I am here for however long you need me B"
We stood in that spot in that embrace until the sun was completely set.

Brantley POV

    I am standing on my back deck with a bottle of Jack and an engagement ring. Ambers engagement ring..... I am thinking of all the things she said about us and about Timber Jade. And I am doing exactly what she said to do.... I am soul searching.
     She was right we don't need to get married. I love Amber but she doesn't take my breath away ... not like love is supposed to do. She was right about something else .... standing by someone in their darkest days forms a love so deep and strong it can't be broken. Jade was my light pulling me out of the darkness that consumed me with addiction. She was there every step of the way. In the hospital when I thought I was dying and then in rehab when she could visit.
   I am so lost in thought I never hear Jade come until I feel her arms wrap around my waist and her cheek on my back. I place a hand over hers and we stay like this for a long time. I am pulling strength from her cause all I want to do is open that bottle of Jack Daniels and drink away this heartache.

    She tells me that Amber stopped by and told her. I am not surprised but I am grateful. Jade listens and then she holds me resting her cheek on my chest, just being there until I have cried all the tears I have in my body and it is dark. I grab the bottle and the ring in one hand and then I grab Jade's hand and I lead us inside my house .
   I put the Jack back in the cabinet and lead Jade upstairs to my bedroom. I grab some sweats and place the ring on the dresser.
Jade goes to my closet and gets a tshirt that she likes to sleep in when she is here and I head to the bathroom to shower.
  When I come out she said," Mama just text asking if you were okay. I told her as well as can be expected and that I was here. She said to tell you she loved you."
   "Thanks princess I really don't want to talk to anyone right now. I sent Scott and Jeff a text to issue a statement if anyone asked that we loved each other and cared about one another but that after coming to an agreement that marriage wasn't something that needed to happen. I mean I don't know what else to say Jade. I'm just blindsided I didn't see this coming. I love her, she was the one and now she's gone. How am I supposed to fucking do this?"
   Jade pulls me to the bed and props up and pulls me to where my head is resting on her chest and that is how I fall asleep, crying because I realize that Amber is right I love Jade. I love everything about her but nothing I can do about it. She's my best friend, the one who no matter how mad I make her still loves me and drops everything in her life so I don't have to fight the demons alone. I whisper,"I love you"

Timber Jade POV

   He is finally sleeping but I can't all I can think about is holding him in my arms and wishing that I could call him mine. That can never be... we agreed that we couldn't lose this, and I'm so afraid that would happen. Amber was right, I do love him so much that I will stand by his side and be happy for him even if I can't have him. So I kiss his head and whisper," I love you" before I drift off to sleep.

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