Flashback 2015 Breaking up is hard Part 1

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Brantley POV

   I don't understand what the big deal is with Amber, I told her she can have anything she wants for the wedding cause I don't care but right now she is ripping me a new one because I don't have a preference on chairs. I told her last week I didn't care and again today. I just really wish this was over with.
   Last month she was griping about the awards show and how I should attend every one of them but I don't care about that stuff. I had rather be playing in front of my fans versus sitting in a too small seat and having to play nice with everyone.

  I go up behind her and I put my hands on her shoulders and ask her,"what are you really upset about Amber?"

"You want to know what I am upset about Brantley? I am upset that you don't care about the wedding. Years ago when we talked marriage you were excited and had opinions on everything, and now its like it don't matter, like you don't care Brantley, like you don't want to marry me."

"Baby you know I want to marry you more than anything Jade" I said.

   Amber looked at me with tears in her eyes and shit I realized what I said. She said," and there is the root of it, you are in love with Jade, not me....don't say anything let me say this, I know that you love her and I was okay with that cause I get it. She was the one who was there for you when you hit rock bottom and I had left. That is what true love does it stays and picks up the pieces and is the light that leads you back home. I know you love me, we have a ton of history but let me be honest, I don't want life in the spotlight or on the road. I know that you have been faithful but you gave your heart to her when you met her and you haven't ever gotten it back. I have known this but was waiting for you to realize it. So I will get my things and make all the arrangements to cancel the wedding. I hope you don't wait to long Brantley to tell her how you feel. She is a beautiful woman and she wont wait forever."

  "Amber please don't do this I love you and you are the one I want to marry.  You are the love of my life. I tried to move on after we split I can't do that again. Jade is just a friend,  yes she is probably the closest one I have just because she stayed through the worst time in my life but it doesn't mean that I don't love you or that I don't want to marry you and spend the rest of our lives together. Please don't do this Amber I love you. I am begging you don't destroy what we have..."

   "We will always love each other Brantley and we have something special but its comfortable not passionate. Its what friends have ....can you honestly say that I take your breath away no matter what I look like? Can you say you have no reservations about marrying me? Cause if I'm honest I can't say that about you, I will always wonder when you will realize it and leave. When will I come home and you will be sitting here waiting with divorce papers cause you both finally admitted your feelings for each other.... I am gonna go get my things out of the closet and your bedroom and don't worry I will handle telling Mama Becky. Just do one thing for me, if you ever loved me, go be happy . Search deep and hard and see what I am telling you is the truth. You just need to quit fighting it. "

   Amber pulls me into a hug and I wrap my arms around her begging her not to go. She kisses me and then walks out of the living room and up the stairs.

   I walk to the back porch and I lean against the railing thinking just how fucked up  this is, I make one mistake and say Jade and Amber has lost her mind. Yeah I love Jade and yes that one night we spent together was absolutely mind blowing, but I'm not in love with her.
     Amber comes out and said," I am leaving the ring and my set of keys on the island. I love you Brantley but we both know this is for the best. Just don't wait too long to tell her you love her. She is a great lady but she wont wait forever before someone else scoops her off the market.  Call her Brantley "
  And with those words she walked out of my life for the second and final time.

Timber Jade POV

    I am home looking over a contract when there is a knock at the door. I go answer it and Amber is standing on my porch. I ask her,"Is everything okay ?"

"No it isn't and I wanted to come tell you that I called the wedding off and Brantley is going to need you. He is in denial and I am scared of what he might do and I know that you will be the only one who can handle him right now."

"You dis what ? What the hell did you do that ?"

"Cause he loves someone else and called me by their name and I don't want to be in the spotlight and its best we do it now before its too late."

"Are you out of your ducking mind Amber ? He loves you and only you and has since he was 19 years old and yall met at church. Who in the hell do you think he is in love with?"

"You TJ, he called me Jade and I have known for a long time that he loved you but i thought things would get better now that you are dating a friend of his but its gotten worse. I can't marry him when I know he is in love with you. Just wanted you to know cause I still love him even though I just broke his heart. He will realize its true. TJ take care of him please? "

  "Get the hell off my property now Amber before I shoot you dead!! I told you what I would do if you hurt him again and I am holding on by a thread so leave before I stomp your ass"

   "TJ please take care of him, don't let him self destruct again"

"If you cared about him you wouldn't have pulled this bullshit. We are friends and nothing more Amber. He loves you and wants to marry you"

"No he wants to marry you TJ he just hasn't admitted it to himself yet and i can't be used as your substitute any more"

I slapped her before I could control myself Amber turned and walked away and said over her shoulder," I may not have him but you need to think if you are good enough for him just something to think about."

   All I could think about was getting her gone to get to B before it was too late.

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