Girls Night Out Part3

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Brantley POV

We watch as the girls leave and Carter asks ,"Which one of you pissed them off?"

"We all did but I don't want to talk about it cause tha is what got me in trouble with Jade."

"Well I got a question I have been meaning to ask cause I am curious, how many guys have you run off from Jade?" Carter asks.

"Too many to count, if I am honest just didn't run off the right one. I knew Coulter was bad business and I warned him up front what I would do if he hurt her but at that time Amber and I had gotten back together and were planning the wedding and I honestly was trying to let Jade find someone and be happy. Coulter was a brother in a sister MC and Jade was single and because of Amber according to Bro Code I couldn't do shit. If I claimed Jade then it would have pissed off Amber and that was who I was engaged to. So I was in a fucked up situation. Things went well for a while and then he started treating her like property and when I was home she wound up at the house about every damn time at 1am on. Crying wanting to know what was wrong with her, this last time well it was enough for both of us, and yall know what happened there"

"That is where BroCode came from" Carter said.

I nodded ad then he asked,"Over 7 years have you ever physically beat up any guys for her?"

"yes he has I don't know how many trips we have taken to Athens that TJ didnt know we were there. BG do you remember the one that worked at the mall in Victoria Secret?"

I start laughing ,"hell yeah that one was fun,prick didn't know what to do when I walked in , full biker mode, leathers, chains and brass knuckles on. I started telling him to stay away from Jade or I would fuck him up and he shit himself right in the store. Of course Jade ripped me a new one over it but I didn't care , it was worth her throwing my bike keys in the pond, not like I don't have multiple sets with her in my life. Besides over the years she has done her fair share too"

My phone alerts and Luke and Jason look up. I read the message and tell them they are eating and drinking margaritas, so they may want to stay alert.

"not a good thing boss if she is drinking this early" Ben said.

" I know Ben and with those 3 together I sent my card with PJ for bail money. They are going shopping too."

"So you want to give us the lowdown on why you freaked like you did that caused yall to be apart for a year?" someone in the crowd asked.

" She met Kip a little bit after we met. He played at her favorite hangout in Athens and they hooked up. He had came by the studio a few days earlier to give Scott a CD and they saw each other. He asked her for lunch and she turned him down. I made her tell me what was going on that was when I found out. I over reacted and it caused a blow up. He got her number and texts her wanting to pick up and she told him no. Then that day in the studio I see him with his arms around her and she was flushed and I jumped to conclusions and accused her of so many things its a wonder I even have her now."

"Wait you mean to tell me she fucked Kip when she was in college he's 10 years older than her? My question to you was what did it matter when you two hadn't been together yet? Oh shit! you did the mattress mamba with Jade all these years. Damn! now I owe Caroline a pair of shoes. BG you asshole" Luke said.

"No we have not been like that yall"

"So you are telling me that the first time you were with TJ was that week at the cabin?" Luke asked

"No we got drunk on her 21st birthday and my album release party and the next morning I didnt remember and she told me nothing happened. I believed her until I did my laundry and found a pair of her panties in my pocket and it all came flooding back . We talked next time I was home and decided to be friends that we couldn't lose that."

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