Girls Night Part 1

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Jade POV

    I was finishing my makeup and the doorbell rang. B was standing in the doorway and he turned to go get the door cause he knew Caroline would bust it down if we didn't answer it quickly. He had been telling me all the rules I needed to follow tonight and I just let him cause it made him feel better. He was gonna head over to Jason's house and hang out with him and Luke and Eli while I was with the girls.
As I walk down the stairs I hear Caroline say,"hell Britt he's still walking okay so I guess they didn't break his dick"
   B rubs his neck as it is turning red and said,"you really can't break something ladies when you know how to use it" and if he didn't give them that damn smirk I ain't standing here.
   I walk in and say hey and Britt says," hell she ain't walking funny either" to Caroline. Then she turns back to B and says,"are you sure you know how to use it? Cause if you don't it's okay I can text Jay so he can give you some pointers"
Ashleigh covers her ears and said," that's my brother y'all don't need that in my head tonight"
   B growling," ladies if you want a girls night with my wife I suggest you hush about how well I perform before I give you a live demonstration of me fucking my wife until she can't walk"
   I slip my arm around him and say,"nope only I get that Big Daddy " then I stand up on my tip toes and pull his beard down for me to kiss. He palms my ass and pulls me closer and I can feel him growing hard again. About that time, I am yanked out of his arms by Caroline and she is pulling me out the door. B growls and we all laugh and I look over my shoulder and say," we can finish that tonight"
He laughs and says," that's my woman y'all be careful and please stay out of trouble "
  Caroline yells," not making any promises but we will try cause we may have a pregnant lady with us."

On the way to Athens they grill me on how things are and I tell them," we are trying a lot and praying  a lot and hoping that we get a miracle. He's getting ready to go on tour and I am starting a couple of building projects on the house and then at the farm. Doing contract work and just basically taking it day by day."
   "Are you doing the ovulation kit to see when it's best?" Caroline asked.
  "No we aren't we talked about it and we decided we didn't want to focus on getting pregnant to where it became a ritual. I have seen what that does to other couples and I don't want that happening to us." I tell them.
   We walk in the club and grab a table. Britt does a Snapchat of all 4 of us and we order our drinks and I stick to Coke since I am trying to get pregnant.
They announce that they have a surprise guest tonight and it was Dustin Lynch, oh those dimples and that smile. Caroline starts digging in her purse and Ashleigh asks," what are you looking for Caroline?"
She looks at Ashleigh like I can't believe you asked me that and said," hello ..... my ruler got to get his measurements "
  Britt laughs as Ashleigh facepalms  and said," I don't think that is what BG meant when he said for us to stay out of trouble"
   I just shake my head at them and turn back to Dustin singing. He starts Mind Reader and has come off the stage and made his way to us. He goes around the table singing and when he comes to me he takes my hand and pulls me up and twirls me around and dances winking as he walks off. Brittany had her damn phone out so who knows where that will go. I just hope she doesn't send it to B.  I love him so much and I know he says that even if we don't have a baby he will still love me but I just keep waiting for him to walk in and say that he's done. They will have to commit me if that happens because that man is my whole world. I wonder if today was successful I mean it isn't because we aren't trying. Hell I thought before we got home from our last trip he was gonna pull over on the side of the road just because we hadn't in a couple hours.  I just keep holding my breath about it all...
"Dammit Timber Jade get out of your fucking head right now. Drink this shot of Jack and get back right here with us before I kick your ass" Caroline says as she slams down the shot glass.
  I look at her and do what she says and take the shot of Jack, cause B is right sometimes she is scary. The waitress brings us all another round of shots and we tell her that we didn't order them. She laughs and points at Dustin on stage and said," from him said to tell you Bottoms Up ladies"  We all look and hold them up and drink it slamming them down and he laughs and winks never missing a beat of his song Hell of A Night. Ashleigh's eyebrows raise and I look at her confused and she just shakes her head and at that moment I hear ," Good evening ladies"  I sigh before turning around and I say," Good evening PJ do I need to ask why you are here?"
"Princess I am going to be over there and out of your way. Boss sent me to be your ride home tonight ladies said y'all needed to blow off steam and you wouldn't unless you had a driver. So sorry I am late but please carry on"and he walks to a table several feet away and sits down.
   I look at the rest of them and ask," am I in an alternate universe cause B ain't never said it was okay to blow off steam."
   Ashleigh laughs," maybe he knows it is what you need tonight cause you have been a million miles away"
    "Sorry y'all I guess I am just waiting for him to get tired of trying to get pregnant and tell me that he wants out. I know what he says and I have no doubt that he loves me but I'm afraid"
   Ashleigh says," girl that man needs you to breathe and he doesn't care if you give him a child or not as long as he has you he is happy. So get out of your head and have fun tonight before Christmas hits and he has to start rehearsals for the new tour."
"Okay , okay I get it y'all " I tell them.
Britt jumps up and said," let's go dance ladies" 

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