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Timber Jade POV

I stand here and watch B perform for this wild beach crowd and I can't believe he got me a meet and greet with Frank. I really expected him to go caveman on me and not sweet. He surprised me and that is not something he does often cause I know him so well. The same goes for me he knows me so well that it is hard to surprise him.
Caroline and Britt and Ashley are here with me. The guys are gonna all sing with B tonight. Frank and Luke are gonna do Small Town Throwdown and Jason is gonna do Dirt Road Anthem with him.
Brantley has been handed his guitar and he is talking to the crowd,
How yall doing tonight? Are you ready to slow this down for a few minutes and do some acoustic numbers. I'm gonna do a couple of my very first songs I wrote but its strange how they still fit my life today .

He does Whenever We're Alone and then he does Picture on the Dashboard, I have to be honest sometimes it is hard hearing the songs he has written about other girls. Especially the big hits about Amber. I know she is in his past and will always be a part of his life but there are times like right now that it stings a little. I know I am crazy but I can't help it.

Okay now most people know we have this new album out and one of the songs that is on there is called Outlaw in Me and its a love song but its more of a guys love song. You know from the rough tough sumbitch viewpoint and he's talking about how this woman loves him and all his scars and flaws and takes him like he is and well I want to bring out my inspiration for this song only until now I don't think I have ever told her that this song was about her so I need yall to help me get her out here. Timber Jade come on out here princess and meet the crowd.

B is talking about his song Outlaw in Me and I hear my inspiration for this song and he is calling me out to the stage. I am shocked I always thought he had written it about Amber when they were together. I start out and I turn around to the girls, "I have Franks shirt on not B's!!! "
Caroline laughs," that's a good thing woman not get your ass out to your man"

As yall can see by her shirt my ol' lady is a big Frank Foster fan, so much she fangirled for him and not for me, Luke or Jason. But after meeting him I understand he is a good one. Princess you have been in my life for a lot of years and since you are with me tonight I thought it was time for you to know that this song is about you and how you love me with all my flaws. Cause let me tell you folks I ain't an easy man to love but this woman is truly Bonnie to my Clyde. So tonight I want to sing your song to you because without you I wouldn't be here.

"Outlaw In Me"

She says, "Baby what's that scar from?"
I said, "Girl, you don't wanna know."
She said, "What about this one or that one?"
"Girl, that was a long time ago."
She kisses and traces every one with her hands
The look on her face says she understands

My baby don't try to change me
'Cause she knows
This is the way that God made me
She gets every flaw, my rebel heart, every tattoo, every scar
She's in love with the outlaw in me

She knows I roll with a rough crowd
And we get wild time-to-time
She knows I won't lay my guns down
I never run from a fight

My baby don't try to change me
She knows
This is the way that God made me
She gets every flaw, my rebel heart, every tattoo, every scar
She's in love with the outlaw in me


That girl knows that she's got me
And prays one day I'll settle down
And I just thank God she loves me
Even when I don't know how

My baby don't try to change me
She knows
This is the way that God made me
She gets every flaw, my rebel heart, every tattoo, every scar
She's in love with the outlaw in me

She's in love
With the outlaw
In me

As he finishes the song he kisses me and I feel him wipe the tears from my cheek and he whispers in my ear," I do love you Jade"

"I love you Outlaw , now it's time to kick this back up and throwdown"

As I walk off I hear him ," mmm that fine ass is all mine fellas"
I shoot him the finger over my back and he laughs and said," see she don't take no shit"

Lets get this cranked back up.

He goes into Smalltown Throwdown and as he finishes his part he says please welcome back to the stage The Lone Chief Frank Foster. The crowd goes wild and then Luke comes out and it rocks. As they dance and sing you can see that they are having a blast and its a great show. As Luke and Frank leave the stage, they come to where we are standing and Frank said,"TJ that man out there he is yours and I got to ask why if yall are together and love each other aren't yo married?"
Ashley hits him,"Frank that ain't any of your damn business"

Caroline said," well maybe she has a good answer for him cause she don't have one for us. Threw a hissy when she walked in and BG was talking about it, told him if he had bought a damn ring he could take it back and if he asked she would say no"

"I can't marry him, I love him too much to fuck up his life by letting him tie himself to me. When he finds someone that can give him his dream of a family then I will step away and let him be happy cause I love him that much."

I turn and watch as Jesse starts Dirt Road Anthem on the guitar and as soon as B starts singing the crowd is deafening and then he says Mr Jason Andean one Jason comes and does the second verse and then my favorite the third verse and they are killing it.

Frank leans down and said,"something to think about TJ do you think BG loves you and do you think how he would be without you cause from the conversations we have had tonight, you are all the family he needs and there are thousands of kids who would love for 2 wonderful people like you to adopt them. And marriage well that just gives you both something legal that could be recognized. Cause like it is now, if something happened to you, he wouldn't be who they consulted and you wouldn't be for him. Think about who would make those decisions. Now I trust you and Ashli have traded numbers so we all can keep in touch?"

I looked at Frank and said,"we have and I will think about it with an open mind."

We turned back as BG and the band came off to get something to drink before going back to do an encore of Read me my Rights. He tore it up and tonight was a great night for BG Nation .

We all head back to the buses to hang out so the guys could all unwind and hang out.

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