Making Plans

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Timber Jade POV

   I wake up and look at Brantley and he is still sleeping. I get up and head to the kitchen cause I know he's gonna want something to eat. I pull out the eggs, bacon and everything I need to make biscuits. As I am making the biscuits I hear Brantley coming down the stairs and he yells,"Jade where are you"
"In the kitchen B" and I turn around he is walking through the door and gets a water out of the fridge and sits down and opens it by holding it between his legs and twisting the top off. He looks up and smirks,"I may need help on some things but this isn't one of them. So what do i owe the pleasure of your homemade biscuits?"

"Well you haven't eaten and I know you have to be starved and its the least I could do since I am the reason you are laid up for 2 weeks"

"Jade lets get something straight right now, you are not the reason, Coulter did this. He made a choice to mess with my family and pull a gun on me. Darlin you know I would do anything for my family, so can we please put that guilt to rest. I don't regret any of my actions. I did what I did to keep us safe."

"I know B but I feel like you will hate me because of the fallout from this, I mean once the media gets a hold of this you know they are gonna have a field day and what about your label?"

"Timber Jade you listen up, I don't give a rats ass about the media and as far as my label I think I will be just fine. Kolby talked to Scott and he sent word for me to get better and said we could use this time to lay down some tracks in the studio. I don't need my arm to sing. So with that being said, do you want to go to Nashville with me or should I say will you drive me to Nashville?"

"Yes I would love to go to Nashville with you. So when do you want to go? "

"Well lets eat and then I will call Scott and see when he wants me to come and book a hotel and then we will need to pack ."

"Sounds good to me, will it be okay with you if I contact Jason and see if they are gonna be in town and spend some time with them? He has already text making sure I was okay. "

"That will be fine darlin you know you don't have to ask me that. Now can we eat cause I am starvin?"

I laugh as I place his plate on the table in front of him. He smiles and says"thanks" I sit down with my plate and we talk about the people we know and I catch him up on everything that has been happening while he was on tour.

When we finish eating I start cleaning up the kitchen and Brantley gets on the phone and I hear him tell Scott that we would drive up tomorrow and then be in the studio the next day. This worries me cause I think he needs to take a couple days before doing so much but I am not gonna argue cause I know I won't win. Then I hear him call and get us a room at the Opryland hotel. Brantley knows I love staying there when I visit Nashville. I turn to look at him and he just grins at me and winks. Then he gets up and heads to the living room when his phone rings. As I wipe the table off, Brantley calls me into the living room. The look on his face is one that I know I am not going to like, "what is it B?"

"Jade that was the Sheriff and he said the cleaning crew won't be through with your house till next week. So do you have enough clothes here or do we need to go by you some?"

" I have some but not enough, not for going to Nashville. So I guess I will have to make a trip to see Beth at Peaches N Cream. I will call and have her pick me some stuff so it won't take me as long."

"Well make that call and then we will head down there as soon as your ready."

"Brantley you do not have to go with me stay here and rest."

"No I am going now go make that call while I slip on my socks and shoes."

I head upstairs and pull on a pair of leggings and one of Brantley's long sleeve grey Georgia Bulldogs t shirt. I grab my socks and Nikes and put then on pulling my hair in a ponytail and grabbing my black cap. I call Beth and tell her in gonna need a wardrobe for a week and I need stuff for Nashville at night and pants and jeans and dresses. She tells me she will pull some stuff to get me started.
As I come down the steps Brantley is sitting in his recliner looking down at his shoes.  It breaks my heart cause he has them on but can't tie them. I walk over and tie them and tell him," don't worry we will fix them so you can just slip them on. "  He looks at me and I get up and kiss his cheek and head for the door.

When we get to the store, Brantley walks in and Beth starts fawning all over him and I look at him and roll my eyes before I say,"Beth I don't think John would like you hanging all over him besides I am your customer and he is gonna expect me to do that if you keep on."
Beth just laughed and walked us over to the private dressing room and Brantley sat down and said," okay Jade its time to model cause I want to see everything I am buying."

I stop in my tracks," you are not buying my clothes I am"

Brantley looks and said," I am buying it so get your sweet little ass in there and show me what I'm buying"

Beth raised her eyebrow and said," well try on those jeans and the top hanging with them first. "

I go in the dressing room and Beth has picked out stuff I am gonna love and it look good on me. I try it on and model for Brantley and he approves of all her choices. After and hour I am tired of trying on clothes and I hear Beth knock and she sticks her head in  and asks are you gonna need lingerie too?"
"Yes I don't have that at Brantley's so go pull it and just take it to the register and I will pay for it."

As I walk out i see Brantley and Beth looking at her selection of lingerie and I want to die. Yeah I know Brantley has seen me in my bra and panties before when I have changed hell, he saw me naked a couple of days ago but it just seems so intimate that he is touching them and picking them out. No man has ever bought me lingerie.
Brantley notices that I am watching them and he smirks and it affects me like it hasn't ever before. He says something to Beth and then makes his way to me.
  "Darlin are you ready to go?" I can't talk so I just nod. As I walk by he said," I hope you like what I picked out. "

  I just kept walking and he paid Beth and I grabbed the bags to load them in the truck and Beth said," Jade you have something special with Brantley , don't be afraid to give it a chance."

I just look at Beth before shaking my head and going to the truck to drive us home.

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