Flashback ACM's 2013 Part 2

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Timber Jade POV

BG and I tell Scott goodbye and take my dresses and shoes and pack them. Good thing the dresses have their own bag and yeah I will have to pay a little to have them flown like that but hey who cares. We are dropped off at the airport and he is still on his damn phone with a scowl. I am just about ready to take the thing and stomp it in the ground. As we drop out bags that need to be checked and check in with our tickets his phone buzzes yet again. He looks at it and stomps over to the line to wait for security check in.

Jay pulls me aside and hugs me while I keep my eye on B.
"What's up sis? How come BG is stalking around pissed off?"
"Well one I am here so that means his date cancelled on him last night as he was packing. Soooo I get to come to the awards with him. Pretty sure she told him not to bring me and has been blowing his damn phone up since before we got up. She told him she couldn't meet him she had an "audition" I wanted to yell probably with some old wrinkled geezer who was in between her legs but I held my tongue. He's got to figure it out for himself. "
"Yeah well I feel him Jess isn't too happy with me right now either and I have no idea what I have done this time. She refused to come with me. Soon I may be hiring a PI to see if anything is going on with her. Soooo I guess this means that you, me and BG are Vegas bound and can cut loose and have some fun."
"That we are let me go and get with B and I will see you on the other side."
As I walk I notice everyone in the business is in one line or another heading to Vegas. As I make it to B, he turns and gives me a smile and puts his arm around me and kisses my hair.
"You ready to have some fun princess?"
"Yeah and heads up Jay is solo too"
"Well that makes us a party of 3 to party"
We are standing waiting and his phone buzzes and I can see over his shoulder that she has sent a picture of him kissing my hair and I turn to see who could have sent it but I can't find anyone. She has went on a long rant and the good mood I just experienced is gone. I just wish he would let me at the bitch cause I hate seeing her bring him down.  He is typing away when a security guard walks up and quietly asks," Sir I know who you are and I have to ask are you carrying brass knuckles on you by any chance?" 
B grins and said," I just might be, they will be in that bag you just put through that machine."
   "Well sir I am gonna have to ask that you take a little walk with me and it will be in handcuffs."
   B held out his hands and turns to me and smirks ," you coming with me princess?"
I nod as the security guard looks at me. I want to laugh so bad but since he has been in such a bad mood I just bite my lip. As we are walking through the airport everyone is stopping to look and B is just acting like everything is okay. He cuts his eyes at me and finally asks ," Are you okay baby?"
  I lose it laughing and say ," yeah I am, better be glad it's me cause you know who would be like 'no no I am not okay you are walking in the airport in handcuffs and everybody is looking and you think it is funny' " When I said that B had to stop walking cause he was bent over laughing and said," you nailed her to a damn T Jade."  The guard leads us to a room and closes the door and tells us the head security would be there in a little bit.
   B sits down and looks at me, you know this is your fault Princess"
  "How is it my fault? I wasn't carrying brass knuckles in my bag"
  "Who finished packing my bag when I got that phone call?"
   I looked at him and said," not my fault she called and upset you so this is her fault now you want to tell me what she had to say about our picture with you kissing my hair?"
   "No I don't actually Princess I want to think about anything else but her right now cause I am so tired of this headache."
  "Give me your phone"
"Trust me B give me your phone"
He hands it over warily. I sent a text to Jana that said: If you want to contact me then you can call Jade I am turning my phone off so I can enjoy the awards show without having to deal with your rants. If you wanted a say in anything then you should have been here and not bailed on me your fiancée you know the man who you planned on spending the rest of your life with.

Then I sent Scott, Mama and Kolby along with the band  a message: I am turning off my phone if you need me contact Jade.

Then I gave it back. He looked at me and smirked and said, "did you pack shorts for me?"

"Yeah because you told Thomas we would hang with them by the pool"
"That's where the knuckles are so it is your fault and I told you I didn't need shorts I don't wear them in public"
"You are if we go to the pool"
Growling at me " no I am not not with phones like they are"
I growl at him," get over it B you don't have chicken legs all the damn walking you do hunting and on the farm take care of that "

Growling "I said I ain't wearing no damn shorts in public"

I am standing in front of him and I pull my shirt up and flash him.
His mouth drops open and pulls me to him crushing our bodies together.
"B...hmmm.... you need to let me go"
He has his hands on my ass and his face is an inch away from my breasts and his breath causes my nipples to pebble into hard nubs.
"B...... hmmmmm...... you need to let me go.....nah I'm good princess"

There is a knock on the door and I jerk my shirt down but not before seeing the look of desire in  his eyes. Even if I had missed that well it was hard to miss his erection in those track pants.
  The security people come in and we explain that we didn't know that they were in there and so they just took the brass knuckles and asked for some pictures with him and them and he obliged and got us on our flight to Vegas.

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