Good Ol' Girl

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Brantley POV

     We are on my  bus with the whole band, Tyler Farr and Luke Combs heading to the next place. Jade is in the back working while we are writing or actually doing more playing around than anything. She told me she had about an hour of emails to answer making sure everything was set for the next show. 
   Luke asks," how long have you and Jade been together?"
   Ben laughs, " you want official or you want since they met?"
    I shake my head and say," officially 2 months but we have known each other for 7 years now"

    "I sense there is a story behind this" Luke said.

"Well they met when she stumbled onto his property and he pulled a gun on her. They became fast friends. Then they realized what everyone else knew they should be together a little over a year ago and he screwed up big time and so did Jade. Then about 2 months ago  they got their act together." Jesse said.

Ben said," but during those 7 years he has run off more guys and she has run off more ladies than we all can count"

" Hey I beg to differ some of those I ran off were definitely not what you would call a lady"
Jade says coming out and makes her way to sit in my lap.

Everyone laughs at what she said and the band starts shaking their heads agreeing with her.
Noah said," Remember the one she pulled off the bus by her hair that had snuck onto the bus in Kentucky."
"Yeah she thought that if BG found her in his bed naked he would just go ahead and fuck her. Surprise when Jade was the one who found her. Drug her off by the hair on her head and threw her clothes off hitting her in the head with her own cowboy boots." Ben said laughing.
"What about the cowboy that BG ran off when we were in Texas. He asked Jade for her number and she gave it to him only after she walked off BG went to him and told him and I quote,' if you know what is good for you son you will lose that number cause if I find out that you have contacted that little lady I will come back and fuck you up' what made that so bad is that Jana was around then and that pissed her off. Now BG had just gotten off a ride so he still had all his leather on and had the chains and rings and looked scary. Needless to say cowboy gave BG the paper her number was written on" Jesse said.

  Jade looked at me and said," I always wondered what happened to him cause he seemed really interested and then not even a whisper matter of fact I didn't see him the rest of the time. "

"Well he was up to no good and I knew it so I helped you out girl" I told her.
  She rolled her eyes and said," is I had a dollar for every time I heard that over the past 7 years I would be rich."
  "Wait, y'all remember when Jana and BG got together when Jade heard about it?" Ben asked.

Jesse laughed," Oh boy do I ever and I love saying this but BG Jade was right"

"I know she was right I admitted it when we called it quits and I admit it today"
Tyler said," okay I got to here this story"
Ben said," Well they met at an awards show and then there was this thing that she wanted to write with him. When Jade heard that and just busted out laughing and said 'I didn't know that's what they called fucking in California mark my words B she wants you and will use you but you are a grown ass man to make your own decisions.' and so when it all came out we had to head to the studio and he recorded I'mGone the day they split."

   PJ said," what about the time Jade talked him into hiring a crossfit trainer to go on the road with him after he quit drinking to get him back in shape? Now that was funny"

   "Hell I had give up drinking and weighed 220 and this stupid ass said oh you smoke you will lay them down after 2 days , well I proved him wrong he was gone in 2 days. Then the next idiot that came well he started preaching at me and my lifestyle and was gonna do Bible Studies with me every day and I was like dude this is your first day . Now don't get me wrong I am a believer and all but then when we got ready to leave we couldn't find him well we found him having a conversation with a young lady against the bus." I said.

  "Don't sugar coat it you ain't on radio now he was having sex with her, so that was the last of the cross fit trainers." Jade said.

   Tyler asks," what was your craziest place to play ?"

  "Clubs when we hadn't made it real big yet, course I was still drinking then so you can imagine." I reply.

  "Remember the club where we did the show and you went out and sat on the trailer and continued to play after they closed and the owner come out and said " the cops are coming yall need to leave"?

   PJ said," I do cause they came back out and said the cops are coming yall need to leave and BIG tells them yall said that 20 minutes ago and I don't see them and continues to play and blue lights roll up and he said "well in goin to jail" I looked at him and of course he was drunk and I asked him "really you really gonna go to jail" and the dumbass replied" Ive been there before somebody just come bail me out." thankfully that night he listened to me"

   Noah said," what about the time Jade came on tour and the roadie was hitting on her and trying to get with her and followed her on the bus. How much did that cost you Boss?"

  I laughed," 50k and it was worth that and more although Jeff and Scott about ripped me a new one. What jackass after being told no more than once follows her on my bus no less and tries to kiss her, that felt good beating his ass."

  Jade laughs and kiss me "my hero "

"Don't you forget it darling" I tell her

"Man it sounds like being around yall two will be for some good times and good laughs" Tyler says.

Ben said,"you have no idea how much of an understatement that is but to watch these two over the years it has been fun"

"Yeah after you realized that there wasn't a chance for you with Jade" Jesse told Ben.

Jade looks at everyone and looks at Ben then at me and said," okay I am missing something here, cause Ben never asked me out so where did that statement come from?"

I run my hand over my neck and Jade said, "Spill it Brantley Keith what happened that I don't know about?"

Ben said," Not long after yall met and everyone was giving him a hard time about you and the whole just friends thing and when he said that yall were just friends and that was all you would ever be and he didn't want to hear anymore about it, well I asked him if he wasn't gonna try with you did he mind if I did. Well that went over like a lead balloon. Told me and the whole crew well the single guys that if he ever heard us ask you out or tried anything with you that we would get our ass stomped and could find another job that you were like the virgin Mary off limits ."

   Jesse asks," was this before or after she turned 21?"

Ben said," After why does that have anything to do with it?"

"I was just wondering if it was her age " Jesse said.

I looked are Savannah and said," I didn't want to lose my band but more importantly I didn't want to lose you. You walked in Timber Jade and put a mark on my life that I couldn't live without. "

  About that time Earl tells us that we are stopping to eat and everyone heads off the bus  and Jade tells me,"This discussion ain't over yet."

I know then I have some things to make up for but oh what a time we will have cause Jade is one of the Good Ol' Girls .

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