Early Easter

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Timber Jade POV

We had a break for Easter and it was early this year. Its the second week in March and we have invited our family and friends over for a get together today, on Friday since they will all be with family the rest of the weekend. We plan on telling them about the baby and this way everyone finds out at one time. Well when they figure it out. B and I decided to be sneaky and see who figured things out first.
Luke,Caroline and their family along with Jason,Britt and their family, the band and their families,Daddy Keith and Kolby along with Ash,Eli Cam and Tinsley were all arriving now. I walk out and tell them to come on in. They set the stuff they brought in the kitchen and then made their way back to the living room.
B walks in with his T-shirt that we had made #DaddyAF .
Jay says,"Dammit BG , really I don't want to think about my baby sister calling you daddy. Go change please man?"
"We all know you are Big Daddy and have heard it more than once" Caroline laughs.
"Dammit Caroline can you please shut up" Luke tells her.
"Well its the truth you are the one who said I could have gotten pregnant just being parked next to them" she replies grinning.
Mama Becky comes in and sees the shirt and drops the plate of homemade cookies and covers her mouth.
Kolby and Ben whining "Mama those cookies what are you doing?"
"Shit and they are my favorite. What's wrong Mama Becky?"
Mama hits them both in the back of the head and runs B and then me with tears streaming down her face. This causes both me and B to start crying again, we have done a lot of that these past couple of weeks. I take my button up off and underneath my T-shirt says #LilMamaAF

Caroline gets it and yells,"you so earned Big Daddy title"
Luke,"Caroline I told you to hush it"

Jason comes to me and hugs me with tears in his eyes,"I'm gonna be an uncle huh?"
I hug him back and nod.

"I knew all that sex would pay " Luke said.

Everyone yelled,"shutup Luke!!!"

Ben yelled,"I call first baby snuggles"

Mama Becky growling and looking like B "I don't think so you little shitbird"

B gasped,"Mama watch your language"
"I mean it first baby snuggles are mine and I'm not the one who needs to watch their language. ..all of you are gonna have to clean it up cause no grandchild of mine is gonna have a potty mouth."

Kolby smirks and crosses his arm"what cha gonna do Mama give us all a swear jar cause BG and TJ will go broke the first time they get into a fight"

I glare at him and said,"you better be glad I am pregnant or I would kick your ass right now brother"

"See she just proved my point" smirking

"Yeah but I ain't pregnant and if you upset Lil Mama again I will kick your ass" B told him.

"Ok bro ...Ok" holding his hands up in surrender "I can see someone has the pregnancy moodiness as well" he mutters to Ben.

PJ smacks them both in the back of the head"Boss will be the least of your worries if she so much sheds a tear because of your sorry asses"

Ben gulps, " loud and clear pJ"
Kolby shakes his head," she's pregnant for Pete's sake didn't none of yall act like this with Britt or Kate."
Everyone glares at Kolby,"YOU KNOW WHY!!!"

That's when it dawns on him and he turns red"sorry yall"

Ben says,"Dude just do what I do and shut up"

Britt asks"So when are you due?"

"August 24" I tell her.

Ash looks at me and starts grinning and then laughing hitting Eli, he looks at her and he starts laughing. Finally he says,"B you might should have broken the bed earlier "

I turned red an B puffed out his chest and said,"Wasn't for lack of trying but she hasn't put me in cuffs again"

I get up and head to the kitchen thankful Mama was already in there and didn't hear that last part. She hugs me and asks when we found out and I told her just a couple weeks. That we were gonna make a big announcement and talk about our infertility with people now.As we get things on the table and we call all the kids in to wash up Tinsley came and hugged me and said,Aunt T I will be so glad when Baby B gets here."
B stopped and picked her up," sweetheart who told you Aunt T was gonna have a baby?"

She looks at B,"Well God did in my prayers but yall didn't believe me"

"Why did you call it Baby B?"

"Cause I am asking for a boy just like Unca B then he went forget and neither will you Aunt T that I am yalls princess" she tells B.

"Princess you will always have a spot in mine and Aunt T heart. Even if we have a girl we will always love you"

"Okays then I am changing my prayers to a girl cause boys stink well all except my prince and he smells good."

B and Eli both growl,"what prince are you talking about?"

She struggles and B sets her down,"Why the one I am gonna marry" she says as she leaves the room.

Eli starts to go after her and Ash points to the table for him to sit down.

We all eat and talk and all the kids were excited about another baby to add to the mix.

Tinsley looked at me and asked,"is Unca B your prince?"

"Yes princess he is my prince, you know you have a long time to worry about a prince."

"No I's don't he stays gone a lot and he needs to know hes mine prince" she said.

Eli said,"Tinsley June just who is your prince?"

"Well Aunt T calls him jolly green giant but hes not green just reallys tall daddy . he plays tea party with me and tells me I am bootiful."

Both Eli and B Growl and yell "Ben"

Ben looks up and said," What? She is a princess and needs a prince charming and she is beautiful."

Ash laughs," hes right and if Tinsley has her heart set on him I pity all of you."

I laugh,"yeah teenage years are gonna suck , lots and lots of cold showers in your future."

Ben groans," she will be the death of me cause if she is anything like yall she will run off anyone I date."

B laughed,"yeah remember the No No not Aunt T I want Aunt T stage."

"Oh yes we all know how she felt about Jana and then with Amber it was just cold shoulder cause she had made B sad a long time ago. Ben I hate to say this but you ate screwed. And its my little girl"

Caroline laughed, "you all better just pray its a phase is all I will say"

Tinsley came in and batted her eyes at Ben and said,"will yous play tea party with me now?"

Ben got up and picked her up and went in the other room giving the finger over his shoulder at the remarks.

"Now what is the story of the broke bed" Caroline asked

"Weeeelllll the last night we all were out and those two left us at 40 Watt club the next day Eli helped B carry out the broken pieces of that big ass bed and if I did the math right that is when they conceived "

I smile as I sit down in B's lap ,"who knows it could be the time that Caroline caused earlier that day"

B,"or the one we were finishing when she called"

Jay,"Shit that is enough please stop!! Lets all just be glad that we get to add to the family"

B wraps his arms around me and lays his hands on my stomach as I snuggle into him. I look around and this is my family and this little one is so blessed with love.

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