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Timber Jade POV

  I load my side by side and haul my but home. I spray it down and put it up going in the mud room and stripping so I don't track mud through my house. I get in the shower and that is when I let all the tears come. I can't do this I love him even now that he broke my heart. I can't live without him but I can't live with him either. I pull on my favorite tshirt of Brantley's and grab the bottle of Jack I have in the house and I head to the back porch swing.
  As I sit and drink I let the sons overtake me hoping that I can get it out once and for all. I alternate drinking and crying and I look at the trail wishing so bad that it wasn't grown up cause that would mean that Brantley and I would still be together.
  He doesn't know how low a blow he landed today accusing me of being knocked up. If I only could get pregnant, but Coulter took more that my peace that day. The doctor tells me it will be damn near impossible for me to get pregnant from all the damage he inflicted. Brantley accused me of fucking my way through Nashville and I can't help but laugh at that cause if he only knew the truth....that the last time I had been with a man was the day Coulter raped me. Not that I haven't tried, but all I can see is Brantley's eyes and when another man has put his hands on me all I can do is shudder. He really did ruin me for anyone else. I pull the quilt up around me as the sun has set and I just listen to the sounds of being home and drinking.
  I wake up and realize that it's late but something seems off. I look around but can't figure out what it is. I look over at the trail and thought I saw movement but after watching for a few minutes I decide I'm going crazy. I take the bottle of Jack and finish it off and then I throw it at a tree breaking it screaming "damn you Brantley why can't I stop loving you?!!! How come it's so damn easy for you to move on, was I not ever good enough for you?!!! And I fall to the porch with sobs

Brantley POV

After Eli took his family back to the house he came out on the porch with me and said," I have been angry at you and upset with you over the years but that doesn't compare to how I feel right now. You hit Timber with some very low blows today, some that I would think you were drinking again if I didn't know better. I hope to hell that you wouldn't have said them to her but right now I don't have a fuckin clue. It's like I don't know who you are anymore. It's not my story to tell and I know you are flyin blind but until you sit down and LISTEN  and NOT TALK , I suggest you stay away from Timber.... no I'm telling you to stay away because that little lady has been through hell and has finally come home and if your dumbass sends her running again...well I will personally kick your ass. So go home and do some soul searching and see if you can decide to talk and figure this out."
  I leave Eli's house and go home. As I sit on my porch thinking about what everyone has said. They all know something and aren't talking to me. I think about all the good times me and Jade have had, muddin, rides on my bike, and her touring with me. I love Jade, that hasn't changed.... I will always love her but what in the hell am I missing?
  I get up and walk the trail and I sit at the edge in the trees. I see her sitting on the porch swing and I can tell she is drinking and crying when I hear her scream and throw the bottle against a tree and what she says cuts me open like a jagged knife. In that moment I make a decision to get to the bottom of this once and for all. I look through my contacts and see Kip so I head back to the house and I call him.

"Hey Kip this is BG "
"Hey man "
" I know you may be surprised to hear from me but I need some answers"
"Well BG I ain't surprised to have you call just surprised it took you a year to do it. How's TImber?"
  "Well man to be honest she's a mess and I'm to blame I think but I don't know why. So I need to ask have you slept with her man"

"Yeah but you know about that cause it happened right after y'all met and became friends. But nothing this past year. She is a damn good PR liaison and manager and that's all she has been other than I would call her a friend now."
  " Thanks man and I'm sorry"
" It's not me who deserves that apology it's Timber. And nothing you can do will be good enough for what you put her through this last year, but I hope you fix it cause she loves you brother."
" I'm gonna do my best"

I get off the phone pack a bag for a couple of days and text Kolby to stock the small cabin on the deer farm with food for a couple days that I was coming and bringing a guest.
   I make my way in my truck to Jade's house and pack her bag for 2 days. I then lock everything up and go to the back porch and pick her up and carry her to my truck. I am taking her to Alabama and we are sorting this shit out one way or another. Cause for the next 2 days we will be locked in the cabin until we can fix us .

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