Flashback ACM's 2013 Part4

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Timber Jades POV.

Brantley and all the guys have interviews all day basically. They will go from one to another until they make the whole circuit promoting their albums talking about the awards and all of that kind of stuff. All of us girls minus Ran are having a spa day all day. Ran is going to join us after she gets through so we can all get ready together. I heard from Jana this morning *eye roll* she called me .
J: what do you want
Bitch: I just caller to remind you that Brantley belongs to me
J: Well Jana, I think possession is nine tenths of the law and he is with me and you need to remember that B is my best friend and I am his . Sooo my advice to you better get used to me cause I was here before you and I will be here long after your gone and make no bones about it you will be gone.
B: Did you forget who is wearing his ring ?
J: For now but I think he told you that he was done with you if you didn't meet him and have you forgot who he is ? He doesn't say things he doesn't mean or follow through with . Now I have to go get ready and meet the girls bye bitch.

Now to get dressed and meet the girls for breakfast. Caroline ,Lauren,Katie and I head down to the restaurant. Caroline is looking around trying to see who all she can measure and Lauren is still laughing from my telling of my phone call with bitch. We eat and make our way to the spa and are getting massages when Ran joins us. Then we get mani/pedis and then finally up to makeup and hair.
I make my way back to the room and I start getting my dress and shoes when B comes in running to the shower and stops when he sees me in my short robe and he whistles. I roll my eyes and he says," I am gonna have the prettiest date tonight" he runs to the bathroom stripping as he goes. I have his clothes laid out and I am getting my dress on when he comes behind me and moves my hand off the zipper replacing it with his and zipping it up. I got chill bumps when his rings grazed up my back as he zipped me up. He places a kiss on my shoulder before turning around and slipping into his jeans and I look over my shoulder in the mirror and ask"you freeballin tonight?"
Laughing ,"always princess, you know that by now"
I slip on my new shoes and as I go to buckle them B comes over and kneels down buckling them but not before he slides his hands up and down my legs causing goose bumps to form. He chuckles and gets up grabbing his chains to slip on. He takes my hand as I go to stand up and it is then that he slips a bracelet on my wrist and a matching necklace and earrings. I shake my head no and B tells me," you have the dress and shoes so all that was left was the jewelry"

We make our way to the car and I think it is crazy that we have to get in a car and go 100 feet and then get out. As we are getting into the car, B places his hands on my back and they dip a little low almost on my ass. When he gets in beside me he places his hand on my leg and it is my bare leg because of the slit in my dress. As we stop he asks," are you ready princess?"
"Sure B always ready to be known as country music badboys date"
He laughs and leans in next to my ear"yeah I am the lucky one here I have the sexiest date " In that moment the door opens and he steps out and then turns back to help me out and I place my hand in his turning and he growls but only low enough for me to hear. I look down to see my bare leg all the way up to my thigh and smile since the cameras have already started flashing , I whisper to him "killer shoes aren't they?"
We walk the carpet and I step back so they can get pictures of him by himself and then he pulls me in and we take several together. B is always touching my arm or my back other than when we separated. As we make our way through the interviews there is the question finally asked who I was and he never batted an eye and said," this is my very best friend in this world. She helped me through so many difficult times and I wouldn't be here without her."
As we make our way inside Jay comes up and slings an arm over my shoulder and whispers in my ear," looking gorgeous tonight sis"
" Thanks Jay but it is all on BG he bought everything I am wearing tonight"
"Sis you are gorgeous because of you not what you are wearing"

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