Flashback 2013 Broken Heart Part 2

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Brantley POV

   I was just about to get on the plane to Atlanta and text to see if Jade was coming home this weekend. I haven't seen her since she flew up to a show in Columbus Ohio a couple weeks ago. I have been on radio tour and doing studio work but this weekend I am going home and Jade said since I was gonna be home she would too. I laugh as she asks if Jana is coming, those two don't get along but Jade really tries since I am gonna marry her. Just like I try because I can't stand the douchebag she plan on marrying next month.
   I get off the plane and head to the parking lot where Kolby is waiting with my bike and I turn my phone on and its Jade asking where I am. I tell her and she says she's at a place here in Atlanta to come pick her up. I ask if she is alright and all I get is No.
  I take off running and throw Kolby my bag and tell him Jade needs me and I jump on my bike and hightail it to that fancy smancy restaurant.  This has city boy written all over it. If he has hurt her I will stomp his ass.
  I pull into the restaurant and park and I walk in with my leather jacket and chains all over and I see her and I watch as she gives him a purty right hook just like I taught her. She glances over and I walk up and ask if she's ready to go. She nods and I see the tears in her eyes and boy is gonna pay for that.
  I watch as she takes the ring off and tells him that after tonight she is through and he doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut. I can handle him talking about me but when he said Jade was my fuck toy and that she would never be a wife to anyone cause she wasn't even good for a roll in the sack, I bowed up and grabbed him by his shirt yanking him out of his chair and I looked him dead in the eye and he went green but I didn't care i hit him with a left hook that knocked him out cold. I dropped him back to the floor, threw $500 on the table and grabbed Jades hand and took her outside. I gave her helmet to her and I couldn't help but smile as she hiked that dress up and climbed on behind me letting her hair down and then buckling her helmet.
I asked "where to"
"Your house" was her response so I revved the bike and off we went.

   She held on for dear life the whole way, not because she was scared but because she was upset. City boy thinks that I am done but his got another thing coming. I know he has a key to her apartment so after I get her settled I am gonna go pay him a visit and kick his ass to the curb. He may think his is the only key but it ain't I have my own.
   We pull up to my house and I pick Jade up and take of her helmet and just like I thought she has cried all the way home. I take her inside and up to my bedroom and she heads to the bath and turns the shower on. I bring her one of my t-shirts and she said to me," thank you for coming and not telling me I told you so"

"Princess I promised you I will always be there for you and as far as I told you so tonight is not the time or place. Maybe one day when we are both old and married but not tonight."

"No that's it for me I am single for life B. He is right my own parents are ashamed of me so how can any man want me. I mean that is apparent cause he had a blonde on the side and thought it would be okay. Told me that when next month came and he married me things would change because then he would tell me what to do and I would do it. And you know what, that is exactly what happened to my mom with my dad. She wasn't always like she is now. She grew up here and yet as soon as she got married she changed. So no , if that is marriage then I want no part of it EVER! "
  When she said all that my heart broke for her and I saw red at the same time. I told her to get her shower and I would bring her a drink and she could crash in my bed. 

  I went downstairs told Kolby what was up and he headed to Athens to watch out for city boy. Jade came into the bedroom and took the whiskey from me and gulped it. Then she crawled into my bed and asked me to hold her just for a little while until she went to sleep. So I did, she knows I will be up until 6am just coming off the road and use that time to write and get some work done, what she doesn't know is the work I plan on doing well its gonna be with my fists.

   I held my princess for 3 hours and then I slipped out and text Kolby I was on my way. As I pull up 20 minutes later Kolby said that he was in there but he wasn't alone. A blonde was with him. Who the hell did this tucker think he was bringing another woman to Jades apartment?!!

I pull my phone out and hit record and whisper a play by play as I open the door. Kolby is right behind me and I give him the phone cause I want both hands free to do what I plan on doing to him.
  You can hear them going at it in her bedroom and I open the door and say,"surprise fucker and you to whore."

He tells me to get out or he is calling the cops and I tell him "go ahead cause I have no problem with them coming. "

"You will be arrested for breaking and entering"

"Not breaking and entering when you have a key and your name is on the lease" I tell him with a smirk.

I look at the blonde and tell her," you have 1 minute to get your ass out of this apartment and don't ever come back"

She jumps up and grabs her clothes and is putting then on as she runs out the door.

I turn to city boy and flex and tell him," you fucked up when you hurt Jade. I heard all the things you said to her about her parents and me. I don't care what you say about me but you made my princess cry and I am gonna whoop your ass boy. "

"I will have you arrested"

"Won't be my first time and probably not my last but see here I don't think you will. Cause I know image is so important to you " as I hit him in the ribs and he groans. "If you want to play that way then I will leak your pictures and this video of you screwing that girl in your ex fiancé s bed, while she is home asleep. So no i don't think you will" I continue to work his ribs and got a couple of kidney shots and then I hit him in the face and bust his nose making him bleed like a stuck pig. I hit his face several more times. When he could barely stand up I say, "get your clothes on and get out and don't you ever contact Jade for anything ever again you hear me boy? Cause next time you contact her I will fucking put you six feet under!" with a growl. Kolby found his keys and took the key to her apartment off his ring and tossed it at him.

He stood up and leaning against the wall made his way outside to his car. Good riddance is all I think.

I look at Kolby and he said," she won't t ever come back here after this. "

I nod my head and tell him,"stay here tonight pack her stuff up except those sheets and bring it all home tomorrow. This place came furnished cause everything she loves besides clothes and kitchen stuff is at her house."

He nods and hands me my phone and I walk out knowing that I may not be able to take away the hurt of a cheating partner but I can make she he never hurts my princess again.

I head back to my house and its 5am when I get home,  I take a shower and wash the blood off my body and slip on some basketball shorts before crawling into bed beside Jade. She rolls over and snuggles on my chest and tells me "thanks beast"

"Anytime beauty"

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