Flashback April 2013 ACM's Part 1

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Timber Jade POV

   I am at Brantley's house and we are talking about what he needs to pack to take cause the ACM's are in a couple days and he is leaving for Nashville in the morning that way he can stop by the label before flying to Vegas to meet Jana. She is in LA working and it just makes me roll my eyes on the inside when he told me that. So I am doing what I do best and that is listen to him and tell him what he can and can't take.
     His phone rings and he answers it,"hey baby you got your bags packed?  WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU AREN'T GONNA BE THERE? !! Do you know how important this is Jana?! Okay I see your career will ALWAYS COME FIRST EVEN WHEN WE ALREADY HAD PLANS TO ATTEND AN EVENT FOR MINE TOGETHER? YOU KNOW WHAT JUST DO WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT ,YOU DO ANYWAY !!!! YOU ARE FUCKING KIDDING ME I WILL TAKE WHOEVER THE HELL I WANT TO TAKE SINCE YOU CAN BE BOTHERED TO BE THERE!!!KISS MY LILY WHITE ASS IS WHAT YOU CAN DO!!"  slamming the phone down he growls "go pack a bag sweetheart we are going to Vegas together. "
     I tell him,"B I can't I have nothing to wear and do you really want me to go?"
   He turns and says," I will buy you whatever you want I will call Scott and have him get you some options to be at the label tomorrow and yes I want you to go cause I know you want to be with me and care about me and I need that person with me. Please Darlin?"

I smile and jump up and kiss him on the cheek," thanks B I can't wait to do Vegas with you and Jay" I start out and B says ," Jade"
I turn and look at him and he grins," pack those sky high black Fuck me shoes they make your legs look great." and winks.
"You got it B" and I head off to my house to pack and lock up. Knowing that I will stay with B since we have to leave early in the morning.

   Since before we got up this morning B's phone has been blowing up with texts and calls from Jana. I told him to give me the phone and let me answer her and he had the nerve to tell me "no cause I already have enough of a headache without adding you to the mix"

"I am assuming that she was upset and told you not to take me with you. If that is the case B why are you doing this knowing me being with you is doing nothing but pissing her off?"

"Because you are my best friend I have told them i was bringing someone and I sure as hell don't want to show up by myself and have to deal with the shit storm that would cause and all the accusations there. Besides you and I haven't had any good time to let loose lately and well Vegas seems to be calling our name"

"So are we going with what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?"

"Damn straight we are Timber Jade! Neither one of us is going to worry about anything or any body. mumbles besides taking you means its over according to her"

   I just let that last part go cause no sense in him getting any mote upset than he already is besides I don't think he buys her having to work any more than I do. She maybe "auditioning" bit I can just about guarantee that it is on her back with her legs spread wide open fucking someone. But how do I make B see that?

    B and I are at the label and they have 3 dresses for me to choose from and to my surprise they also have a pair of Jimmy Choo's to go with each dress. Scott told me that I can pick whichever one I want so I start trying then on.

Brantley POV

   Jade and I are at the label and I told Scott to have her 3 dresses sent and a pair of Jimmy Choo's to match each dress cause I want to spoil my princess since she dropped everything to come with me to the ACM's . More than I can say for my fucking fiancé and I mean that literally ... I think she is auditioning but doing it on her back with her legs spread. I know that's what Jade thinks and I fear she is right but I just don't have proof. I look up and hell I have to adjust my pants as Jade comes out in the first dress and shoes. I smile and she is happy when I tell her she looks good but all I can think about is pushing her up against the wall and fucking her until she is screaming my name. As I am looking my phone buzzes, I look and its Jana wanting to know what I was doing so I took a picture of Jade and sent it to her with the text picking out a dress.

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