Flashback ACM's 2013 Part 5

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Brantley POV 

  Jade has just ask me if I am drinking and I tell her no would she like to come closer and check . When she leans in I move and kiss her slipping a little tongue in for good measure.
   Jay sits down beside me and asks," have you seen Justin?"
  I jerk my head around and cough..."no man ....mmmmm"
"You okay BG you look a little flushed "
Jade slides away from my hand that I had on her leg. "Yep I see Kate over there want me to go ask her for you Jay?"
  I grip her leg a little tighter," I figure he will be here soon "
Jade leans over in my ear and says"B ...if you move that finger any higher ...."
I grin and answer Jason's question and inch my hand up just a little more and Jade grabs it and holds it in hers.
  She glares at me, "B ....you have got to stop ."
I glare back," fuck it , I don't wanna"
She looks around and leans in next to my ear after making sure no one was listening   and whispers," ....you keep this up and I am afraid of where it will end....so tell me do you honestly want that?"
I bite my lip ...."I really want to say yes"
     Jade's eyes grow wide and she bites her lap and then she gets up saying, " I have yo go to the bathroom"

   Have I pushed her to far.... Hell ......I mentally count to 20 and then I get up and take off after her.

    I open the door and I see Jade holding on to the sink, looking at herself in the mirror and I can see the questions run across her face ...do i want this? Is he serious? She looks up and meets my eyes. I lock the door and walk up behind her never losing her gaze.
    Jade bites her lip and looks at me in the mirror with questions in her eyes.....B?

"Yes Jade"

"Are you sure? I mean really sure?"

" Yeah I am ....but you aren't darling and I understand..."

"Its not that B......I want it so bad...."

"Then what is it baby? You can tell me anything....you know that"

"That's not us, is it? I would like nothing more than for you to back me against this wall. I want it so damn bad....."

"But we both have someone in our lives is that it...."

"Some of it..."

I wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on her shoulder,"then tell me what is going on, what are you feeling , let me inside your head.."

Jade looks away and won't meet my gaze and I hear her whisper..."Its been so damn long.... I can't even tell you the last time he touched me ..."
I spin her around in my arms and lift her chin with my hand dropping my lips to hers, tasting, stroking her mouth with my tongue just savoring the taste of her. She whimpers in her throat fisting her hands in my jacket pulling me closer. I slide my hand to her back and then to her ass pulling her closer crushing our bodies together. I lift her up pulling her legs with those sexy ass heels around my waist backing her up against the wall just like she wanted. Jade runs her hands up over my chest and up to my beard pulling on it. I hear and feel her moan into the kiss when I cup her bare ass with my calloused hands. I pull back and look at her "Fucking hell princess... nothing "
She drops her head and bites her lip as she shakes her head no....princess ... look at me ... please?"
She lifts her eyes and they grow wide when she realizes the desire for her I have and she asks,"you really want to cross that line B?"
I shift my hips forward pressing my obvious arousal into her core and said," that's all for you baby ... no one else...but I will not make you do anything you don't want to do"
She says," oh I want to ... I want you to make me feel so good ... but I'm scared shitless, B"
I press even closer and say "Please tell me it is not because you are afraid of losing him cause baby you can do so much better than him"
"No I am scared shitless of losing you ... of losing us ... and that is something I cannot recover from "
I sigh and unlock her legs and set her down gently before tugging her into a hug, " me either princess, me either"
Tears are running down her face, " I'm sorry B, please don't be mad at me"
"Jade honey I am not mad. Why the hell would I be mad?"
" cause we were so close and we both wanted to so bad and now you have blue balls cause I put the brakes on cause I'm such a big chicken"
"Honey I am a big boy, I can handle blue balls cause I never want you doing anything that you don't want to do. I will not push you into doing something"
She pulls me closer," I love you B"
"Jade I love you , now how about we go back out and see what kind of trouble you and I can get into tonight with our family ."
"That's right we have some celebrating to do Mr New Male Vocalist. I am so proud of you B"
"I am glad you are with me darlin' wouldn't want anyone else with me but you."

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